Day of the Fall (Part 1)

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Shiganshina – 845

Y/N Point of View:

"Mum" I said dragging out her name. "Yes (Y/N)?" she replied in a slightly annoyed tone. I was board and had been talking non-stop today, well after mum and I came back from shopping. I bought Eren and Mikasa lockets from the market today. "Why couldn't I go with Eren and Mikasa?" I ask, I really wanted to go with my siblings. "You know the dangers of going out of Shiganshina at your age (Y/N). Besides didn't you want to spend time with your father?"

Mum had a good point; I hadn't seen dad in a while. He was working on some weird thing in the cellar. What was he working on down there?

"What about you go and see Armin while you wait?" Mum's voice cut me out of my thoughts. "Really?" I asked, she nodded. I leaped up and ran over to her, I pulled her into a tight hug and thanked her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! See you later mum!" She giggled, with that I ran out the door.

I was running through the streets looking for Armin. I checked the river, he wasn't there. I then checked his house. I asked his grandpa, but he said he hadn't seen him since the morning. I was running all through the town, but never found him.

I eventually gave up my pointless search for Armin. Having nothing else to do I decided to go to the gate and wait for Eren and Mikasa. I slowly walked to the gate. It was only a fifteen minute walk from here.

I walked the busy, dirty, streets of Shiganshina towards the gate. It was nothing unusual; kids playing, merchants boasting and showing off their products, mothers with their kids and the bullies walking towards me... Wait what!?

"Oi, kid" the dirty blond-haired person called out to me, he was the leader of the trio. I was not in the mood to deal with this today, I also knew I couldn't fight them, not without Mika anyway. I tried to ignore them and walk away but it was no use they caught up to me rather quick. Curse my height.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" the leader grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. "Look I don't have time for this, please leave me alone" I asked trying to walk away. "Oi, I wasn't done talking to you! Do you want a fight, you don't walk off on me when I'm talking?" He shouted at me, whilst pushing me to the ground. By now I was on the ground. Filthy.

The three boy surrounded me as I stood up. "Please let me leave. I want to see my siblings" I asked getting a bit desperate. "You mean sibling. That brat of a girl ain't even your sister, she just a weird, pathetic girl, your 'precious brother' is just as stupid as her" the silver-haired boy said. He said what about Mikasa and Eren?! I was fuming, but I didn't show it. I quickly calmed myself down, knowing I cannot fight them and attempted to walk through the boys.

The chubby, brown haired boy grabbed my arm and turned me, so my back was to him. As I turned, I was punched in the face. The leader had punched me. Next thing I know I feel a horrible pain in my side, then another in my leg. The pain was beginning to really get to me. I held back tears, refusing to give them the satisfaction of making me cry.

They delt blow after blow. I coughed out a bit of blood as I fell to the ground. After they were satisfied with how beat up, I was they walked away leaving me to lay on the ground. I could barley feel any of my limbs. I know I had multiple cuts and bruises as well as a lot of blood on my face and body. Damn this hurt.

After a few minutes I was back on my feet and back on my original goal; getting to the gate to see Eren and Mika. It took me five extra minutes instead of two, due to the limping. I walk up to the side of the gate to see, but who guarding the gate... Hannes. Lucky me.

"Hey! Kiddo, care for swig" Hannes asked walking up to me. I could tell he'd been drinking... A lot. I turned to look at him, I have nothing better to do while I wait. As I turned his face dropped seeing how bloodied and bruised, I was. "I wouldn't let my brother see you like that if were you commander Hannes" I sarcastically reply. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyway, what happened to you and what are you doing here?" He asked. I was genuinely surprised at his concern.

"Seriously kid, your beaten pretty bad. I've seen scouts come back in better condition than you are now" he retorted, bringing me back to reality. "I just got into a small disagreement with some bullies, I'm fine. Anyway, I'm here waiting for Eren and Mikasa to come back" I told him. "Anything I can do for ya?" He asked. I had an idea actually. "Yes, there is actually sir" I say. His face is priceless, he is the most shocked I have ever seen him. "W-what is it?" he inquired still in shock. "Can you teach me how to do your salute?"

He looked even more shocked; I wasn't sure that was a thing. "Er... sure" he answered. I was overjoyed. First, he showed me how to hold my hand, then arm. Finally he taught me the stance. I picked it up in less than five minutes. My only regret is that he smelt worse than the local tavern.

About ten minutes had passed when I noticed Hannes and another soldier head towards the tunnel. My curiosity took over and I took a peek at who was there. It was Eren and Mika! I jumped up and ran towards them. "Eren! Mika!" I called out to them as I ran towards them.

Mikasa turned towards me and hugged me when I got to her. Then Eren picked me up into a big hug. After that he turned back to Hannes, continuing his conversation with the drunk soldier. I zoned out and tugged on Mikasa's sleeve. Damn why is she so tall or am I that short? "Hmm?" she hummed in response. I motioned for her to bend down, and she did so. "I got and made Eren and you presents today" I whispered in her ear. She gave me a slight smirk and went to say something but was interrupted by Eren yelling at Hannes about our father as well as insulting the soldier.

Mikasa and I finally dragged Eren away and we began walking back home. I turned and waved goodbye to Hannes. He smiled as I walked off. "So how was wood collecting?" I asked in an attempt to lighten the mood. "It was fine (Y/N), boring as usual" Eren replied kindly, Mikasa remained silent. Eren had been a lot nicer since he apologized.

We were almost home when the bells for the scouts arriving, rang. I love the scouts! I wouldn't dream of telling Eren, Mikasa or my family that I want to become one though. Armin is the only one who knows. I hope it stays that way for now. "Perfect timing! There back! We can make it if we hurry! Come on I want a good view" Eren yelled as he ran to the main town road with us in tow.  

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