Short Temper

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Cadet Corps Training Grounds – 847

Y/N's Point of View:

I woke up to the sun shining into my eyes. I sat up and stretched. I looked to my right and saw Mikasa sleeping on her side. Memories of last night came flooding back to me. I smiled at the thought of being back with my family and friend again. I would surely have to get them to meet Petra.

I sat up in my bed and Mikasa began to stir. "Morning Mika" I stated plainly. "Good morning" she replied. I noticed a small smile playing on her lips. I felt my smile grow and I tackled her in a hug. "(N/N)!" she shouted. I burst into a fit of giggles and she chuckled lightly before hugging back.

After we calmed down, we both got up and decided to head to the showers. We gathered up our uniforms and our bathroom items. As we headed out the door you could hear the rest of the girls begin to wake.

We were walking to the shower block when I felt eyes on Mikasa and myself. I tried to ignore the feeling, but it never left. I decided to have a look. I turned around and saw Jean standing from the boys porch starring at us.

His stare was directed at Mikasa. Or so I thought. I giggled at the thought of Jean and Mikasa. Jean noticed me and I smiled and waved. He waved back and I felt myself blushing again. 'What is going on with me? I barely know him, and he obviously has eyes for Mikasa' I thought to myself.

Mikasa was quick to notice my cheeks going red. "(Y/N) are you okay? You're a bit pink? Are you feeling okay?" she questioned me. "I'm fine Mikasa. I'm not sick" I told her. "Then what's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. "I'll... er... tell you later" I stuttered, she eyed me suspiciously. "Okay, then" she said in her usual monotone voice. I could tell suspicious of me.

Jean's Point of View:

I was one of the first ones up and ready this morning. I decided to go outside for some fresh air and to clear my head. Most of the boys weren't up yet anyway.

I've walked outside and taken a deep of fresh air. I rested my arms onto the railing and lead down. 'To think that (Y/N) is that suicidal maniacs sister. I mean sure, she wants to join the scouts, but she isn't loud or boasty about it' I was deep in thought.

I had been thinking for a while when I saw two girls walking down to the shower block. I immediately recognised the (H/L) brown hair, standing beside the raven haired girl. It was (Y/N) and Mikasa.

I stood there starring at the pair, more so focusing on (Y/N). The way her (H/L) is swept with the wind as it blows. 'What am I thinking? I've known her for like two days and she is Jaeger's sister. Am I falling for her? No way!' The questions kept repeating themselves in my head whilst I starred at the pair.

I was snapped out of the rotating thoughts in my head when she turned her head back and we made eye contact. She smiled and waved at me. I felt a blush creep to my face. 'Oh shit! I'm falling for Jaeger's sister!'

Time Skip

Y/N's Point of View:

"It's aptitude test time! Listen up! You don't belong here unless you can do it! Fail and be shipped to the fields" I heard the commandant yell at us. I don't know why but he does seem to favour me above the other cadets. I was standing next to Eren as we listened to the instructions, "hey Eren, you ready?" I asked. "Of course! Those titans won't know who there messing with" he whisper-yelled back.

"Cadets Ackerman, Braus, Springer, Kirstein and Jaeger! You're up first!" Commandant Shadis yelled at us. 'Mental note remind me to go to the commandant to change my name after this.' "Good luck Eren" I told him as he walked up to the front.

I watched everyone Sasha, Connie and Jean were doing really well, to be honest I was glad Jean was doing well. 'No! Snap out of it' I told myself. I looked over to Mikasa, she wasn't moving or struggling. I was so proud and happy for her. I made eye contact with her and smiled, she nodded in response.

I then looked to Eren who had somehow fallen and was now upside down. I pushed my way to the front to see Eren, just to find commandant Shadis yelling at him. "What's your problem Jaeger! Straighten yourself up!" he was shouting at Eren.

I started to hear snickers and giggles coming from the other cadets that were watching Eren. I couldn't take people being mean to him anymore, the look in his eyes wasn't helping much either. I grabbed one of the boys by the collar and punched him in the face, the I turned and kicked another in the shin. They both stopped laughing and backed away. Everyone started looking at me. I turned to face the group and said coldly, "anyone else got a problem with Eren and the fact that he is actually trying?"

Everyone went dead silent, I tuned back and saw Mikasa give me an approving grin. I faced Eren and gave him encouraging smile. I am surprised I didn't get in trouble, but it would be worth it for Eren anyway. After a while they got Eren down and the next lot of cadets came up, me included.

I was hoisted up and I shook a little but didn't fall. I swayed just a little more than Mikasa did, but I passed. I looked to the completed section where Eren, Mikasa and Jean were. Eren gave me a look that said, 'you got this,' whilst Mikasa gave me a small smile. Jean's eyes were glued onto me for some reason too.

They put me back down and I walked over to my siblings and Jean, along side Armin, who passed too. Jean gave me a thumbs up, same as Marco and Reiner. Mikasa placed a hand on my shoulder and told me I did great. Eren came up after Mikasa and hugged me, "you did great little sis." "Oh shush, I'll help you after everyone's done" I replied.

Everyone soon left, aside from Mikasa, Armin, Eren and myself. We tried to give Eren some pointers, but it didn't work out as hoped. We hoisted Eren up and he fell... Again. Unfortunately after a while Eren passed out. Mikasa, Armin and I ran to him and got him off to the infirmary. Armin and I had tears in out eyes.

Time Skip

Today I sat with Krista and Ymir as usual for dinner and I happened to overhear some cadets smack talking Eren. Let's just say, we are more like each other than we care to admit, Eren and I. "Hey Daz, he was talking all big about killing the titans, now he is just silent" a cadet spoke, whilst looking at Eren as if it were amusing. I could tell I looked pretty pissed. Ymir grabbed my jacket sleeve and held my arm to the table. "I can tell what you're thinking. Don't." she spoke whilst continuing her food. Krista gave me a sympathetic smile. I was mostly calmed down. Then Daz replied.

"I guess it's the fields for him tomorrow, we can't keep wasting food on the useless" Daz replied. Oh hell no! I got up and walked to the cadets making fun of Eren. "What did you say?" I asked starring them down. "He'll be shipped to the fields tomorrow. We can't waste food on the useless" he told me.

I picked Daz up by his collar, "right. I don't care who the hell you are, but you do NOT, insult Eren. Got it?" I asked coldly. "Why do you care?" he asked. "I'm his fucking sister arsehole!" I shouted, I punched him for good measure. I again turned to the group, "anyone else?" I asked. Everyone shook their heads and Ymir grabbed me and pulled me back to my food. "We need to work on your temper" she stated. "Yup!" I grinned.

The dinner bell rang soon after and we put our stuff away and left. I went back to the cabin with Krista and Ymir and got changed into casual clothes. I put on a (F/C) tee and some plain slacks. I had decided to go and check on Eren, so I left for the boys cabin.

I knocked on the door and was let in by Marco. "Thanks Marco" I thanked him. "No problem (Y/N)" he replied. I set off for Eren and Armin's bunk, I didn't know who their bunk mates where though. I came up on them when I overheard Connie and Jean talking, I saw then talking to Eren. "I'm trying to figure out how you did it, you've screwed up everyway possible" Jean said to Eren. 'Why does everyone target Eren?'

I stormed over to the boys...

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