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Wall Rose - 850

Y/N's Point of View

I heard horses trotting suddenly and looked down the wall. Hannes! I ran over to where Mikasa and Hanji were. Eren and Armin followed. Hannes used his gear and scaled the wall.

"The walls perfectly intact" Hannes told us. "What?" Eren questioned. "Spent all night trying to find out where they've been getting in but between Trost and Krolva district there's no hole" Hannes told us. Eren and I bent down and helped him up onto the top of the wall.

"That's impossible!" Hanji shouted. "We ran into the search squad from Krolva and retraced our steps. Not a single titan on the way here either" Hannes told us. "But we know for a fact that there are titans this side of wall Rose" Armin exclaimed.

"Oh come on. How much have you had to drink, seriously?" Eren asked him, his tone sounding like he was snapping. I elbowed my older brother. "Eren, don't" I growled. "Why you little!- Wait, hold on a second. What the hell are you kids even doing here?" Hannes asked us. "Hi Mr Hannes" I smiled sheepishly.

"If there's no breach then I guess we have to change tactics. We head back to Trost immediately" Hanji ordered Hanji walked off with Moblit while I stood with Hannes, Eren, Armin and Mika. I hugged Hannes. "I'm glad to see you again" I told him. "You too kid" he smiled.

"You'd be smart to keep your guard up. I'll go on ahead of you" Hannes said, then he jumped off the wall, using his gear to swing across the side of course. "How can there be nothing wrong with the wall?" Eren questioned to no one directly.

"Excellent question. Nothing like this has happened in five years. Why now all of a sudden?" Armin mentioned. Armin, Mikasa and I started to walk in Hanji's direction. "Feels like everything is spiralling out of control" Sasha commented. I stood next to Mikasa as we walked.

"Eren! We should talk, have you got a moment?" Reiner called my brother. "Sure, I guess" Eren replied. I started walking slower and I listened in on their conversation. For the sake I proving everyone wrong, I listened in.

"Five years ago, we compromised wall Maria and launched an attack on humanity" Reiner spoke. I stopped dead in my tracks. "No..." I whispered under my breath. "I'm the armoured titan, he's the colossal" Reiner spoke, gesturing to Bertholdt, I'd assume.

'Why. Why does this always happen' I thought as a single stray tear rolled down my cheek. "(Y/N)?" Mikasa noticed my absence and spoke quietly. She looked back at me. We made eye contact, her steel-blue eyes to my (E/C) ones. I nodded my head as another tear made it's way down my cheek.

Mikasa gripped the holders of her blades. My shaky hands slowly reached up to mine and gripped them both. I slowly moved my hands back down and clipped my blades into the holders, my hands now shakily gripped on the holders with blades.

"What are you talking about?" Eren asked him. "Why are you telling him!? Reiner, no, stop" Bertholdt spoke. The tone of his voice confirmed everything for me. A few more lonely tears slipped down my face as my hands shook more and more. I made no noise.

"We were on a mission. Our goal was to ensure mankind's extinction. But now, there's no need for that. Eren if you want the walls to remain standing, then it's simple. Just come with Bertholdt and me... Do you understand?" Reiner spoke. 'No Reiner, I don't' I spoke in my head. "Understand? What the hell is there to understand?" Eren snapped.

"Listen to me. I need you to do exactly as I say" Reiner told him. I slowly looked back over my shoulder slightly, just enough to see them. Rain started to drizzle. To my luck no water droplets landed on my face.

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