Safe House

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Inside Wall Rose - 850

Y/N's Point of View

Not long after Jean and I had got back we were told to set out again. 'Bloody hell, we aren't going to get a break' I told myself. We had to set out to a safe house of sorts, in order to keep Eren and Historia safe. The government put out a warrant for Eren. They want him back.

On the upside Levi picked out his new squad; Armin, Sasha, Mikasa, Jean and Connie. Those five joined Eren and myself. Historia was with us too because she was one of the people that were to be looked after, obviously.

We travelled in cloaks to hide our identity's. I rode beside the captain, Eren and Historia rode in the middle of us all. We were relocating to a small cottage somewhere inside of wall Rose. I kept my guard up as we travelled through the walls. I ain't letting my brother be snatched a third time.

Time Skip

We arrived at the safe house in the afternoon. I took immediate notice to all the dust. Gag worthy. I got off my horse and took my small bag inside. I looked around. It's... Cleaner... Than the outside.

"Captain, where do I put my bag?" I called out in question. He walked in and pointed at a small room and then walked off again. The room had two single sized beds, a dresser, and a desk. "Looks good" I whispered to myself. I walked into the room and put my bag down on my bed. I looked around before walking back out into the main room.

I was thinking of changed things up a little. "Sasha, want to share a room with me?" I asked. She jumped up and down before pulling my into a suffocating hug. I wiggled one arm free and pat her back slightly. "Can't... Breath..." I gasped out. I swear I am turning blue. She obviously didn't hear me... Or was she choosing to ignore me? Sasha's trying to kill me!

I couldn't see over Sasha shoulder, meaning I couldn't call for help. 'I'm starting to think I shouldn't have decided to change things up a little' was my thought. I saw someone tap her shoulder. I tried to catch a glimpse of my saviour. Alas, I could not.

"Would you mind not suffocating my sister to death?" Eren's voice spoke. Eren. "Hmph, alright" Sasha very reluctantly let me go. I gasped for air. "Oh thank you to my saviour" I joked as I caught my breath. Once catching my breath I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled down at me before putting me in a headlock and ruffling my hair. I would have done something, but it reminded me to much of Reiner.

"Are you okay?" Eren is a mind reader, I swear. "I'm fine. Just thinking about betrayal..." I partially lied. "I know it's hard. We just have to push through" Eren told me. I hugged him gently. "Thank you" I whispered in his ear. He hugged me back. It took a minute or two, but we pulled apart.

"So why was Sasha suffocating you?" Eren chuckled. "I wanted to try something new. I asked her to be my roommate" I explained. He burst out laughing. "Don't laugh you twat! I could've died!" I yelled at him. He laughed harder. I was glaring at him, until a despicable idea crossed my mind.

"Well if you are going to be mean, then I might as well go and hug Jean. He'll make me feel better" I fake cried and pouted, wiping false tears from my eyes as Eren's head lifted to face me. He instantly stopped laughing. "What?" Eren asked. "You heard me" I smirked. He then started a starring contest. I stared not his turquoise eyes as he starred into my (E/C) eyes.

I swear what felt like an eternity was a mere two minutes and forty-nine seconds. Eren blinked. I won, hehehe. "I win!" I exclaimed as I skipped off. I heard Eren grumble something under his breath as I left.

"Brats! Grab some supplies and start cleaning! This place is filthy" Levi ordered. Everyone did as told, with only very minor complaints. I was happy, cleaning made me feel semi-good.

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