Day Before the Fall

876 25 10

Year 845 - Shiganshia District

(Y/N) Point of View

"Eren! Mikasa! Are you coming with me to see Armin today?" I asked my older siblings with a giant, toothy smile. "Ugh (Y/N), didn't we go out and see him yesterday? Besides, he is our friend, your too young" he retorted. My (E/C) eyes lowered, with my smile slowly deteriorating. Mikasa pushed her elbow, forcefully into Eren's side, causing him to grunt and clutch his side. "What Eren means to say (Y/N), is that we have some jobs to do for your mum today" Mikasa walked over to me placing her warm hand on my shoulder.

Tears began to slowly fall from my eyes. Mikasa immediately noticed this and dropped to her knees, landing on the cold, splintery floor. "B-but am I still a-allowed to b-be A-armin's f-friend. Or is E-eren right?" I stuttered out in-between tears. I suddenly felt arms wrap around me holding me tight and a hand wipe the tears from my face. I look up and see Mikasa, she looked me in the eyes and spoke softly "you can be friends with whoever you want. Don't listen to Eren, (Y/N), you can be friends with Armin." "B-but what if h-he doesn't w-want to be f-friends? As E-eren said, I'm t-to y-young" I asked, feeling my emotions losing control again. "You're only a year younger, so it doesn't matter. Besides who wouldn't want to be friends, or siblings, with you! You have an amazing personality!" Mikasa exclaimed. "T-thanks Mika" I replied, chirping up again. She smiled softly at me.

After talking with Mikasa I felt joyful once again. I ran full speed out the door, leaving Mikasa and Eren alone. I headed straight for Armin's and my favourite spot be the river. He said we would meet there to look at his book. He wanted to show me something called 'the sea.'

Mikasa's Point of View

I watched as (Y/N) regained her optimism and colourful personality. She ran full speed out the door, I watched her with a smile. When I was sure she was gone, I turned to Eren, who was still sitting on the arm of the couch starring into the abys. My blue eyes narrowed at Eren as he stood up. I grabbed his wrist and began walking, dragging him behind.

I would never hurt Eren, but he had caused (Y/N) to cry. "Hey! Mikasa! Stop!" he began shouting at me as I dragged him closer to the door. "Hey! Wait-" he began to call out, but I cut him off by throwing him down the stairs. He landed with a 'thud' at the bottom of the stairs. "Hey! What was that for!?" he demanded an explanation.

"Eren..." I began, "you can't keep hurting your sister like that" I explained. He scowled at me and then spoke "firstly she is my sister, not yours! Secondly, she was being annoying... Again!" he shouted. I had, had enough of this. My blood boiled at this, but I still love Eren. "Eren, do you remember the promise you made her two years ago, when we were seven and six? You promised to be a better big brother and promised to protect her. So pull your head out of the bucket" I said.

Eren sighed, it looked as if he remembered and regrated everything he did. I assumed right. "I-I didn't realize. I need to make this up to her! She is my little sister after all!" his green eyes, glimmered with determination. "Alright Eren, I will help" I replied grabbing my red scarf.

With that Eren and I walked into the town to do our original chores. Getting some fruits and veggies from the market. We had to be home by four, in order to prepare Eren's surprise for (Y/N). We walked into the dirty, crowded streets of Shiganshia.

Time Skip

Armin's Point of View

I had been waiting by the river for some time now, I was wondering if (Y/N) would remember to come here today. Just as I got up off the cold, stoned ground out of lost hope. "Armin!!!" I heard my name being called and turned to face the owner of the childish voice. I turn and see none other than the small, brown haired girl running towards me.

"(Y/N), you came!" I exclaimed. "I am so sorry Armin; I had a little bit of trouble with Eren... Again" she explained. They seem to be getting into these sibling squabbles a lot lately. I wonder if- "can we still, look at the book?" her voice cut me from my thoughts. "Yeah! Of course!" I answered elated.

I pulled out my book and laid it on the ground as I sat back down. I opened to a page with mountains of a small white substance called 'sand' and a big, salt filled, lake called 'the sea.' I began to explain all of the aspects of the outer world. I watched her expression as I told her about it. Her eyes were glued to the images in the book. With every drawing and explanation I saw her smile widen and her big (E/C) eyes widening at every glance.

"Armin?" I heard her call my name, I looked over to her and saw her point at the picture of the ocean. "Yeah?" I acknowledged her, "can I tell you a secret" she asked me. I kinda panicked. Why me? I calmed my nerves and decided to let her trust me. "Y-you can tell me" I responded quietly. "Well, one day, I want to join the scouts and make the outside world safe for us to visit the ocean with Eren and Mikasa! I wanna destroy the titans so we can see the ocean and the rest of the world together!" she told me. I was shocked. Her family wasn't going to like this. But I told her she could trust me with this. I can't tell anyone. "(Y/N), you know Eren won't let you, right?" I asked her. "I know, but he can't stop me" she looked up at me with determination in her eyes. I have seen it before. In Eren.

"Well I better go, sorry Armin" She stood up and hugged me. I hugged back. "It's fine, I will see you soon anyway" I replied. She smiled and turned away; she took off. "Bye Armin" she called back. "See you (Y/N)" I called back. With that she took off. After she was out of sight, I packed up my book and left for home.

Time Skip

Third Person View

(Y/N) ran towards her house as quick as she could for dinner. Little did she know Eren was waiting for her. As she turned the corner, she spotted Eren standing out the front looking for her. As soon as he spotted her, he ran over. "(Y/N)!" he called out, "hey Eren, sorry about earlier" she replied, looking at the ground with a sad expression. Noticing her sad expression he replied, "I'm the one who should be sorry. I haven't kept my promise recently. I'm sorry" his words shocked (Y/N). She slowly smiled at him saying she forgave him.

Just as she was about to leave, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a nearby hill. "Please sit down" Eren gestured to the spot next to him. She obliged and sat down next to him, allowing her legs to dangle over the edge. He wrapped an arm around her side. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Eren?" she asked, "hmm" he motioned for her to continue. "Do you still love me big bro?" she asked. Eren freaked out in his head, why would she think this? "Of course I do! I will always love and look after you little sis. I am going to protect you no matter what now" he panicky replied. She giggled at his panicked outburst. "Thank you, bro" she replied resting her head on his shoulder. "Always" he told her.

She slowly drifted to sleep, whilst watching the sunset. The soft, orange pastels slowly faded over the walls. Eren heard soft, even breathing coming from his shoulder, he glanced over and saw a sleeping (Y/N). He smirked and picked her up. He carried his sleeping sister in his arms.

This was the little sister he will protect. What he didn't know was she planned on joining the scouts, same as him. The little sister he vowed to protect, was to follow him to a high chance of death, completely oblivious to her intentions. 

He took her to her room and tucked her in before, going to eat dinner. He left the room and walked out to the rest of his family. Eren smiled at Mikasa and gave her a reassuring look. She was pleased with herself for fixing this problem... Again. 

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