Speech of Belief

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Disbanding Ceremony – 850

Y/N's Point of View

We stood in lines as we began the detachment ceremony. I stood between Mikasa and Armin. If I'm being honest, I don't care if I make top ten. I'm going to the scouts one way or another. 'I made a promise, I plan to keep it' I thought to myself.

"Do you have heart!?" We were shouted at. "Sir!" All the cadets replied, bringing there arms to a salute. "As of this moment you have three options open to you! Choose wisely. The garrison regiment who are in charge of reinforcing the walls. The scout regiment who ride into the titan covered lands to reclaim what is ours. Finally the MP regiment, whose job is maintaining order and law under orders from his majesty. Those eligible for the MP's have already been named. The rest of you take a look, these are the top of your class!" The man up front shouted at us.

I stood beside Eren as we had tied for fifth place. I looked over to him and gave him a 'we did it' smile. I noticed his face was more determined then ever. 'We can do this' I thought to myself.

Cadet Food Hall - 850

Time Skip

I stood with Eren, Armin and Mikasa in the food hall as everyone celebrated. "Your really going to turn you back on the MP's for the scouts?" Thomas asked us. I know Armin didn't get ranked high, but he planned to join the scouts anyway, I could feel it. "Why in the world would you do that? You're in the top ten" another cadet chimed in. "The scouts has always been our goal. We don't want the easy life, not with all the work we've put in-" I gave him a pat on his shoulder and a reassuring smile. "We trained to fight titans" I finished for my brother.

"Are you insane?!" Thomas yelled at us, this caught the attention of the rest of the room. 'Great' I said inside my head. "How many people have died? We are looking at about a fifth of the population. If that isn't clear enough for you nothing will be-" Thomas lowered his voice as he continued talking. "-This is our life now. We cant beat them" Thomas finished.

I clenched my fist at the boys words. Armin noticed this and grabbed my fist with his hand. I relaxed a bit and he let go. "Yeah, so what? We buckle? Take it all lying down? Things have changed. Sure, maybe not a lot but they aren't the mystery they weren't five years ago. There is still a long way to go but we are making progress. Every battle we have lost taught us something, it gave us a tiny new chance at something like hope. Your telling me its better to give up now? Let all the death and destruction be meaningless? Just to ball it up and accept it?-" Eren was raising his voice the longer it went on. "Not on your life!" We both shouted at the same time.

"Humanities future lies beyond the walls-" I spoke up. "-And I'm going to clear the way! I'm going to take back what was ours! I'll drive them out. And as long as there is still one of us that can say that , then were not done" Eren finished me off. "All of it lies beyond the walls. Freedom, hope, promises. Chance to thank those who have saved you before" I added, tearing up along side Eren. "That's why we're going to the scouts" I finished, looking dead at Thomas.

With that Eren ran out the door. "Eren wait!" Armin and I called out for him. Mikasa, Armin and I then ran off after Eren. I stopped running when I saw Eren sitting on some steps, wiping his eyes. I walked up quietly and sat down next to him, "Eren" I spoke up. He obviously hadn't noticed me as he jumped when I spoke. I placed a hand on his.

Mikasa and Armin were quick to catch up to me as we heard footsteps coming closer. 'Whoops, I maybe ran to fast' I thought. Eren turned around to see who it was, and I just starred ahead. Armin came and sat down on the step bellow me to my right and Mikasa to the top left of Eren.

"That was quite a speech you both gave us there" Armin chuckled a bit. "Well most of it was yours Armin" I told him. "All that stuff you used to say back in the day" Eren added. "When we'd go and sit in our favourite spot, just to read about the outside" I smiled at the memory.

Armin's brows furrowed as he looked ahead. "Well, I'm joining the scout regiment too" he announced. "Now your just being stupid-" Eren told him. I gently elbowed him in the ribs. "I could say the same to you Eren" I smirked. "-Your not a fighter, your life is with books" Eren finished. 'He's not wrong' I thought. 

"Well I through with letting others fight for me" Armin told us. "You do what you want Armin. We'll support you either way" I smiled at him. He smiled back.

"I suppose its the scouts for me to then" Mikasa told us. "But Mika-" I was cut off by Eren. "Oh come on! You were top of the class. You'd be wasting your shot!" "Mikasa, it's dangerous" I told her, after Eren finished.

"Understand this. Were ever you both go, I go" she told us. I smiled at what she said. I stood up, patted the dirt of my pants and walked over to her. I hugged her and she hugged back, holding me in her arms. I soon lay down with my head in her lap. We've always done this, ever since we were little. She ran her fingers through my hair as she continued talking. "I made a promise to your mum before she died. I'm not letting you die. Either of you. I've got your backs whether you like it or not." "Mikas-" I was again cut off by Eren, "Well, mums not here."

I felt tears well in my eyes as images of that day ran through my head. Mum dying. The fifteen meter titan with dirty blonde hair. All of it. A few tears slipped down my face as I lay in Mikasa's lap.

"A lot of people I used to care about aren't here either" Mikasa told him. It was silent. I opened my eyes just in time to see a shooting star. It was beautiful.

Trost - 850

Time Skip

It was morning and we were gathered with the rest of the town of Trost, watching as the scout regiment rode through the streets. I tuned out of all the noise, looking at faces trying to find the scouts that saved me all those years ago. I snapped back to reality when Eren started talking.

"Feel how excited everyone is. Its like the crowed just has a different energy now" Eren said. I looked over the scouts and I found one familiar face. The blonde with the bushy eyebrows. He wasn't one of the ones that saved me but I remembered giving him a letter all those years ago.

Bushy eyebrows looked to our small group consisting of, Hannah, Franz, Mikasa, Armin, Eren and myself. His eyes widened when he saw me and then he looked back ahead. I shrugged it off and continued looking for the scouts that saved me. 'Please be alive, please be alive, please be alive' was playing on repeat in my head.

"Well we are going on five year with no incident. Seems like a good omen" Hannah spoke up. "Plus all the cannon up grades. The sight alone would be enough to scare them off" Franz added. "That's true" Hannah said smiling. "What? So your in denial cause you're a couple?! What's that about!?" Eren shouted.

Hannah immediately looked away and Franz blushed hard. "Woah, woah, woah, this isn't what it looks like okay" Hannah franticly said. "Yeah guys, quit it. Its embarrassing" Franz quickly added. I rolled my eyes and smiled at them, "Calm down lovebirds, no ones saying anything" I giggled as i assured them. 

I looked back and, tried to refocus when a familiar voice made me freeze. My back to the voice. "Hey, hey, looky here" the voice said as it came closer. I gulped.

"Mr Hannes" Eren called back to the voice. 

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