41. ɪ'ᴅ ʀᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴋɪss..

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Okay so how you guys have been
Doing? I'm actually busy
Writing chapters as I want to
Finish this story asap.

But there's still alot if it left.. 💢💔

My husband 💦👄

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My husband 💦👄.


The drive was super silent, as boy nor the girl wanted to speak at the the moment. The girl's mind was filled with rage, envy. And the male's mead kept repeating the upset face if his boyfriend. He definitely overdid with his reaction.

The lady's night went so good, so like she wanted until the petty boyfriend of her crush walked in the frame. According to her, taehyung was so into her, but then the ravenatte had to step in.

Cursing the boy, she clenched her jaw, fisting her fingers, "Tyullib, take the right turn from there." when both had almost arrived the brunette's place, the boy said.

"why, there's your building right?" the lady pointed to the tall tower, taehyung nodded and spoke, "yeah but I wanna go somewhere else.. Just behind the tower." the woman nodded and drove the car, towards the said place.

Stopping right in front of a big bungalow, Tyullib wondered to whom this place might belong to. "Tae, who's house is this?" the girl questioned, her eyebrows furrowed, while her eyes stuck on the male beside her.

"my boyfriend!" the smiled brightly, mentioning his boyfriend who doesn't seems to be home, as his bike wasn't seen anywhere around the property.

The girl smiled, obviously a fake one, we'll know that. As she internally scoffed, the boy got out of the car. Leaning down, he gestured the lady tu pull down the window--which she happily, gladly did.

"thanks for tonight tyullib, I really enjoyed it!" the boy said, showing a thumbs up to the lady who's heart just flew away seeing the male's boxy grin.

"no problem taehyungie..." Tyullib replied, her cheeks colored pink. "so...I'll head inside now. Take care.." the boy waved his hand, backing away from the car, the lady felt a clench in her heart, seeing her love going away--to someone else's arms.

She couldn't stop, but wonder what the couple would be doing, after seeing each other. Would the kiss? Would they hug?
These questions were haunting her.

The boy reached the door, just when he was about to knock, the lady called his name softly, "taehyungie..." the girl's voice sounded slow and steady as ever. Turning behind he found Tyullib standing at a small distance.

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