69. ɢʟᴏᴏᴍʏ ʙᴜɴɴʏ.

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I'm going on diet... That's final!

Well here's the chapter about how taekook began to cheat... Um yeah..


"are we good now, baby? Am I forgiven? "

But in return the ravenatte just got a blank stare from the brunette which had his heart clutching in his chest.

He moved closer to the green eyed male,
Making him face himself. And Taehyung did so, gladly. His face straight and vacant.

His green eyes darkened by a shade, with no twinkle or glitters beneath. He even covered the marks and bites jungkook gave to him last night.

The younger cupped his face, bringing his own lips closer to the brunette's. Taehyung's lips were Impossibly soft, making the ravenatte to bite the lips like a strawberry.

Taehyung hissed due the the pain and sting, this rabbit caused to him, pushing the male aside. He coldly told the boy to dress up.

"wear these.. And come down." saying so the Ceo turned around, ready to leave but two muscular arms grasping his waist firmly stopped him from doing so.

"answer me first. Aren't we together now? After all the kisses... Aren't you accepting me?" the boy asked in low tone.

And here the green eyed boy slightly smirked, seeing his rabbit's state. He couldn't believe this boy was this clueless.


"we'll never be.." he said as he gently removed the younger's arms off his waist. Only to have the grip tightening around him.

"No! No... We're together, just like before.. You said that you love me..."

"p-please baby... Taehyung.. I'm sorry, I won't do that again, never. It was my first and last mistake I pro--"

"jungkook we'll never be together.. If you keep going so beastly on me...I'm so fucking sore, so damn sore! Just because of you bastard!" the green eyed boy yelled, with a huge pout on his face.

Confusing the ravenatte more he ever was in his entire 19 years of life.

"you're seriously so stupid, so idiot! I'm so do--" and there he was pulled down on the bed, with the ravenatte on top of him, kissing him passionately with huge bunny smile on his face.

"I almost died!" he playfully pinched the elder's clothed bud, and the gesture was returned as Taehyung tugged his nipples, "don't you dare copy my kink!"

"I love you.." the older said, as the younger snuggled in his neck, hugging his body tightly.

"I love you more.." and Taehyung could never deny this fact.

"kim fucking taehyung! Get yours and your little boyfriend's ass down right now!"

"fuck that's seokjin hyung! H-how did he get to know about you?!"

The younger shrugged, if possible, snuggling more closer to the green eyed male.

"dress up fast koo.." he said as he patted the ravenatte's ass. "but I'd don't want to.."

"then be ready to die, he'll soon come up with his magical spatula..."

"GET UP!" hearing the brunette's deep voice in a sharp tone, he soon found himself dressed in purple hoodie and black ripped jeans..

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