12. ʜᴏᴡ ɪᴛ ᴀʟʟ ʙᴇɢᴀɴ..

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Today I've been having hard pre-period cramps. It sucks. Pray for me please.


Tyullib's pov.

Everything seemed so unreal to me. Just so good. Him in my embrace, holding me, comforting me. This whole moment, I've been craving to have ever since i led my eyes on this person in front of me. I feel bad, really bad for lying to him--but as they say everything's fair in love and war.

Well, you must be thinking what did i lie about--well here goes the flashback.


It was a boring day. I was craving for taehyung, even if it's just a glimpse of him. My heart was aching and at the moment i didn't realise when my hand grabbed my phone and called taehyung.
I had already saved his number,

'MY KIM❤💍"

I heard that really deep, silk wrapped voice on the other line. This person is just too good for this cruel world.
He almost denied my invitation but anyhow i insisted him, my boy's got a soft heart. Awestruck.

I went to my room, and quickly went through my wardrobe, i wanted to look my best--i wanted him to drool over me, just like i do over him. The white gown caught me eyes, it was gifted by my dad on my birthday this year and i had kept it to wear on a special occasion and i couldn't find any special occasion then this one, meeting tae for the first time in my house.

I was busy touching up my makeup, the door was knocked softly. I do have a doorbell, but i guess my tae is just a unique soul.

The rose were purposefully held by me, obviously to look adorable in my tae's eyes. And i think my trick worked perfectly.

I opened the door, and he looked so ravishing. Like wtf. Can this guy look any more elegant. The black fabric was hugging his body so perfectly. The shrug on the top of his suit, just added more to his perfection. His black bangs falling on his forehead, making him look dangerously adorable. His heart shaped lips were tinted in bright pink as well his cheeks, maybe the cold outside caused it.

The brunette was greeted by me, i intentionally acted cute in front of him. Can you blame me-- huh?
I held his hand and pulled him inside. His hand was so cold,i wanted to provide him my warmth.

We sat down on the couches, i really wished to sit beside him but went against it, i can't risk to scare him by being clingy, well not yet.

We talked about stuffs, i noticed he never started a topic by himself, i know, i can understand, we still aren't that close. It'd require some time for him to be less awkward around me. But i took the opportunity and asked him about himself. And he answered unhesitantly.

He kept glimpsing at the watch whereas i was enjoying every millisecond of our sweet time together. His laughs, his giggles, kept playing again and again in my ears. His smile, box shaped smile was permanently carved in my mind just like his name in my silly heart.

He wanted leave. Wanted to leave me. And here i wanted to keep him with me forever. Suddenly he stood up, face expression, frowning. It threatened me, what if he left, left for someone else. I dont want that.

I quickly held onto him, not allowing to leave me. I thought about ways to stop him.

"I made some cookies for you!" These words escaped my mouth without even my permission.

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