25. ᴀ ɢᴀᴍɪɴɢ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇɴᴠɪᴏᴜs ʙᴜɴɴʏ.

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Author's pov.

Entering the gaming cafe, various sounds were heard. Soft giggles belonging to little kids who were playing 'purple place' on their pc. Loud chuckles came from the side where a group of teenagers were playing 'getting over it' on their PC. In some distance, a couple sat, hands in hands, the boy was playing 'call of duty' while the girl was pecking his cheeks.and a pair of girls staring at the taekook couple didn't go unnoticed by the ravenatte.

The younger was looking around the cafe to find a pair of vacant seats. Taking all the details of the place.

The brunette was busy searching the play card in his wallet, when not finding the the card he looked at his boyfriend with widened eyes. A mango milkshake in his hand, while the straw was in his mouth, making a pout adorn his face.

Jungkook looked at the boy with heart, amuse filled eyes. Finding the pretty male's face adorable. He giggled and asked his boyfriend, "what happened baby boy?" the ravenatte brushed his finger's against the brunette's bread cheeks.

"I don't have the card, what about you?" just then jungkook's phone buzzed. He pulled out the phone, some messages showed up from their university group. "check my wallet, you'd find."

The brunette pouted, "you could do that too you know..." taehyung slides his hand inside the ravenatte's back pocket. Pulling out the leather wallet.

Finding the card, he was about to close the wallet--but something, in specific, a picture caught his eyes. His picture. The brunette wore a black hoodie, with white ripped jeans. Sitting on a leather couch, Posing with his signature V fingers. His eyes were close, while his pink lips were formed in sweet toothy smile.

The picture was obviously old. They were really young back then. Taehyung being 18 years old, and jungkook being 16. The Polaroid was taken by jungkook's mom, who knew about them since the start. The brunette had dyed his hair for the first time, in blue. Sure to taehyung it seemed weird at first, but jungkook being the sweet whipped boyfriend adored his boyfriend at all cost.

The brunette just stared at the picture, a small smile tucked on his lips. Jungkook looked at him confused. He leaned a little and saw his boyfriend checking himself out in the picture.

"ofcourse you were cute in this hair color but you cannot just stare at it for a year." the ravenatte took the card, from the boy. "y-you still have this picture?!" a amused smile in his face, while his green orbs glistened with happiness.

"you saw it today?!" jungkook asked. The brunette nodded. "you wouldn't have noticed but I've this since that day in my wallet." jungkook pointed at the picture, suddenly he was held in tight embrace by the green eyed male.

The said boy kept on chanting 'I love you's while the ravenatte just smiled his bunny teeths. "I love you more and you know that baby.." he whispered in a dark, husky voice.

Taehyung whacked his boyfriend's back, "how much you try, you won't have a voice like mine!" he mocked, caressing the skin he had previously whacked.

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