67. ᴘᴀsᴛ sᴄᴇɴᴇʀɪᴏs.

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In this and next chapters there's gonna be some scenarios from past. I just wanna show how Taellib got closer.. And how the taekook decided to cheat on Tyullib.

And how's the cover.. Creepy? Coz I tried making it for the first time.. 😅



Kim Tyullib. Kim Taehyung's gorgeous loving wife. Ready to sacrifice her life for her husband, who wouldn't give a fuck if she did so, or that's at least what Taehyung thinks for now.

It all had started from the day, Taehyung came back to his house, after disappearing for a whole freaking night, almost committing a suicide.

Flashbacks I

The green eyed boy returned home at 11 in the morning. Tyullib heard the soft creaking and locking sound of the main door.

Instantly running down, only to see the perfectly dressed up man, and she couldn't just ignore the different pair of clothes on Taehyung from the last night.

She ran to the male, literally like a storm and jumped on him who catched her instantly knowing the trauma he would have caused to her.

"where were you t-taehyungie!"

"I-I was soo worried!" the lady sniffled, her muffled voice hardly audible for Taehyung to hear. Hesitantly, the beryl eyed boy, curled his arms around the lady's small petit figure.

As for Tyullib, she had thrown herself on her husband, without even of thinking of the consequences, of " various ifs".

She didn't know what she'd do if the brunette pushed her away, backed away from her, be mad at her or the worst... Didn't even care about her, her happiness seeing her husband.

But maybe Taehyung was kind enough to catch her, embrace her scared, worried self. She swore, she won't let this man get away from her, she swore she would never lose him.

She couldn't bear it.

Every minute, every of last night was atrocious and terrible. Their vacant room was coming to eat her alive. She hated it, how there wasn't any bright green eyes that took glances at her.

How there wasn't any presence of the person, she wanted to see the most. Loved the most.

"where were you!" she hit his chest with her tiny, slender fists. Her overwhelming emotions, feelings and tears showing up as she furiously hit her fists on the green eyed male's chest, who held her hands instantly.

"I was so worried taehyung... S-so worried!" she sobbed, tears threatening to fall again and again, and she just couldn't decide if they were happy tears or relieved ones.

Taehyung was shocked, stunned and aghast. Seeing his not so close wife's state, condition. He couldn't exactly decide what to do, so he did a little kind gesture.

He let Tyullib lean her head on his chest, as she sniffled, clutching Taehyung's shirt. "answer me... Where were you taehyung?"

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