66. ᴍᴀᴅ ᴅᴇᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ.

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I'm so keen to publish my other books. Lol.


"I love you too.. So much. But baby doll?! Seriously?!" an astonished, hurt expression was adopted on the ravenette's handsome face.

"and you said, you'd be here by 5 pm but now it's 7... For two fucking hours I was waiting here, killing bees and mosquitoes so they wouldn't bite your precious self... And this is the treatment I receive..." a cute little pout took over the ravenette's soft lips as he fiddled with Taehyung's slender fingers.

His muscular body was pressed against Taehyung's. His knee straddled the green eyed boy's thighs, his other hand holding Taehyung's waist firmly.

"ohh my baby... I'm sorry... Mumma would be here to pick you up early from next time, I promise.." the brunette said, in a very sweet, honey dipped tone. And of course he was taunting the younger.. Who's becoming bratty now a days.

"kook...you're really getting whinnier day by day.."

"But who's complaining, you? Nope I don't think so.." the ravenette said, bringing up Taehyung's hand to peck his wrist, which tickled the brunette.

Hearing the soft giggle, he felt his stomach filling up with numerous purple butterflies, which flattered hearing his favorite adorable sound.

His own lips tugged upwards, his heart swelled up with adoration, admiration and love for his boy.

Bringing his lips closer to Taehyung's face, he softly pecked his nose, his chin, his bread soft cheeks.

"my baby boy..." he whispered softly.

And soon the light pecks were turned into wet kisses as he licked the squishy cheeks, gently biting causing the brunette to whine playfully.

"cmon let me devour you.." intertwining their hands, Jungkook dragged the boy to the bed, both of their faces adorned with wide smiles.. A bunny smile paired with boxy one.

Two hearts were beating at same, fast pace. As their blood still rushed to their cheeks and ears.

It has been three whole years since they're in a extremely perfect, flawless and ideal relationship. They've been together, completely in each other's love spell for twelve hundred plus days.

But still, they'd feel themselves blushing, cheeks shining with bright peach pink shade right after a adorable, romantic interaction between them.

Both felt too good, too pure, too lucky to have each other in their embraces. Jungkook's happiness has been at it's maximum these recent months.

Knowing the fact that this gorgeous Ceo, belongs to him and only him, has this Raven head handsome boy fly in seventh cloud with his heart fluttering with limitless happiness.

Taehyung was married now, lawfully claimed by someone else. But knowing that the Ceo's heart belonged to him, his body belonged to him... All of Taehyung's belonged to him... Was enough for jungkook to hold his head high with pride and grace.

But.. They were practically cheating on Tyullib. Their pure relationship, their pure love was hidden, secretive. And it was such a shame that they couldn't show off the love, they've for each other. To people who always try to hit on them.. They couldn't show them by whom they're claimed by.

"yeah! what are you doing!" an adorable pout jutted out on Taehyung's cherry lips as he felt the younger's fingers working on his coat.

Receiving just a mischievous bunny grin in response, he finally found his coat on the couch, 3 away ever so harshly.

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