13. ʜɪs ᴛᴀᴇʜʏᴜɴɢ.

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It took so much efforts to write this smut like duh!🤥 i hope you like it as it's my very first time writing a adult content.

Mature contents--smut🔞

Jk's pov.

I was scared, upset, threatened. Thousands of thoughts kept running in my mind. An unknown fear was taking over my heart, it felt like I'm gonna lose him.

No jungkook everything's alright, he's yours. He himself said that numerous times. No need to be worried. But how can I stop myself from worring when he still isn't here..

Here i stood, in the hotel room. It's already been an hour since the time we decided to meet. 9 pm.He's never been this late. Is he not going to come. Did i scare him off with my eagerness.

Baby where are you?... i thought.

my heart clenched at the thought of him being done with me.I try my best to be on his good side, to not get him upset, to not make him tired of me.

I love him too much to let him leave me. To let him unlove me. I couldn't even bear with the thought of it, seeing it happen let alone causes me goosebumps.

I checked the clock again, 9:10 pm..
Is he not going to come? Where he is right now? With whom? What is he doing?
W-what if he's with someone else?
W-with that girl?..soon my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door and i knew who it was..

My taehyung.


Taehyung's pov.

Fuck, I'm so late. He's going to be upset with me now. I knew he'll still be waiting for me here. I'm glad for it. I'll apologise to him as soon as he opens the door.

I knocked on the door,



Author's pov.

"Kook I'm sorr--" taehyung's words were swallowed by the ravenatte through a kiss. The door was kicked locked in a second whilst taehyung was slammed on the wall. Jungkook's hungry lips were moulding perfectly with taehyung's just like they were crafted for each other.

The younger held onto the elder's waist firmly, his other arm on the wall beside his boyfriend's sweet head. Jungkook's lips were attached to the elder's, moving in a sweet erotic rhythm. The ravenatte sucked onto tae's bottom lip, licking it hungrily. He bit the lip, the other moaned to the pleasure provided by the younger.

Slowly taehyung felt his boyfriend's tounge inside his sweet mouth exploring each and every corner--his one hand on the younger's shoulder and other slowly moved to cup his cheek.

As his hand touched the skin of younger's cheek, his thumb felt wetness on the soft skin. He broke the kiss and looked at his boyfriend wide eyed who was whining due to the broken kiss.

"Koo...you're crying." Tae cupped his boyfriend's face, softly rubbing his cheeks to get rid of the unworthy tears.
Jungkook held the elder close, firm in his grip. He snuggled his face in taehyung's neck, sniffing the sweet odour.

"Baby what's wrong....tell me please." Brunette's hands slided onto jungkook's back, caressing it sofly.

"I-i thought y-you wouldn't c-come.." jungkook's voice was so soft, so small, as if he was trying to hide in his boyfriend's embrace.

"Oh baby how could you think that..." taehyung said, his hands slowly went towards younger's neck, holding him close to himself.

"Come here.." the brunette cupped his ravenatte's face and attached his soft lips to others, letting the velvety texture of the others lips engulf him.

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