43. ʜɪs ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛs ғᴏʀ ʜɪs ʙᴏʏғɪᴇ.

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I hope you'll are doing great,
Dm me if you want me to add some of
Your imaginary scenarios in the
Book. I'm always up for ideas.

Also would you mind if I speed up things now?

Let's go on with the chapter.


The birthday boy found himself wrapped in his boyfriend's arms. His grip was tight even in sleep. He woke up because of the sunlight shining right on his face, causing him to flatter his eyes open.

Jungkook's face right beside his, he decided not to move, not wanting to wake up the ravenatte from his deep slumber. They were still naked, limbs tangled with each other's, their breath fanning on each other's faces.

The ravenatte looked peaceful, and Taehyung was gazing at him with heart eyes. Bring his hand up, he cupped the younger's face. fondling his cheek, he softly placed his lips on the ravenatte's.

The feeling of the other's soft lips against his was the best ever feeling in the world for him. The person beside him was his safe place, his escape from the cruel society, he was his whole world.

He kept his lips pressed against the younger's, who now stirred in his sleep, shortly his dark orbs were locked with the green one's, the owner instantly pulled away.

"you know being shy really suits you.. " jungkook chuckled, as he pulled the older closer, faces inches apart. "who the fuck said I was shy!" taehyung tried to get out of the younger's grasp, but ofcourse his boyfriend didn't let him.

"stay still or I might repeat the last night.." the boy closed his eyes, snuggling his face in the other boy's shoulder crook. And obviously the green eyed boy stayed still, not wanting to feel his bottom ripped again.

"good boy.." the ravenatte giggled, nestling more close to the boy, who rolled his eyes--hitting his boyfriend's arm gently. The ravenatte smiled smugly, peppering soft kisses on the brunette's neck.

a couple of minutes passed by, both laying peacefully in each other's embrace. Jungkook's tongue swirling around the brunette's skin, as for the brunette--he kept tracing other's facial features.

"kookie..." taehyung softly called, the ravenatte hummed in response, his grip other's waist tightened. "I too have one surprise for you.. But it's at my home.. " and jungkook could literally hear the brunette's pout--pulling away, he actually found one.

Cooing at the sight, he kissed the pretty pout away causing the green eyed male to wrap his arms around his torso. "no worries baby, you can give it to me later. " the ravenatte said, pressing his lips against the brunette's temple.

Both of their eyes met with each other's, brown orbs with green spheres. Taehyung could clearly feel the younger's fasten heartbeats, raising emotions in his dark orbs.

Jungkook's breath fanned over taehyung cherry pouty lips as he now hungrily gawked at them. "Aaish! really you're a loser!" the birthday boy rolled his eyes before attaching his lips with the ravenatte's.

The kiss was passionate, love filled, and mischievous as both of them kept on tugging their each other's bottom lip. Taehyung whined once he felt the ravenatte had pressed his palm on the older's chest. Pinching and tugging the pink bud.

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