26. ᴅᴏ ɪ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛ?

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I'm sorry if the rest chapters are a bit boring. It can't really be helped because now I need to add drama, and I already gave you guys the chapters filled with taekook. So...


Author's pov.

At Kim's corporation.

A deep silence, the man was sitting in was broken. He was brought out of the world of files and documents he's been working on lately.
Someone knocked on the ebony door, the door with a steel plate on it, named as CEO Kim.

Mr Kim, taehyung's father, soon ordered the person behind the door to come in. The man entered the highly interiored room.
The assistant, Mr Choi Joonsu walked nervously towards his boss who had been sitting on his chair, arranging papers which were disheveled.

"yeah Mr choi, everything alright?" Mr Kim finally looked up. His fingers running through his brown hair. Ofcourse the man wasn't much old. Reaching his forties, obviously he wouldn't have grey locks. He was still young. His hair exact same as his son's, brown and fluffy. But right now they were styled perfectly. Grey vest over a black shirt and grey pants, while his coat was resting on the his chair.

"Sir.. " Mr Choi hesitantly called out.
"yes?" the boss answered, now his one leg over another while his fingers tapping the chair's arm.
"Sir, there have been some changes in the shares we're holding." Mr Choi said.
"what changes?" Mr Kim asked.
"we're facing a slight bit of loss. Some small companies withdrew their shares." the man's grip on the files he was holding tightened. The news he was giving wasn't good. He wasn't too proud to let it out.
"and what's the reason behind?" Mr Kim took a sip from glass of water placed on his desk. The assistant's iPad buzzed. He quickly excused himself and saw the notifications he had received.
"we still haven't found the reason, but it seems like we're gonna face a big problem." the man came near the boss, handing him the device. Mr Kim's expression turned into a tensed one as soon as he glanced at the iPad.

The demographics showed the reduction of the shares. Small investors were taking there shares back without even letting the company, know the reason behind their withdrawal. They were left clueless, as to why such thing happened.

Mr Kim frowned, thinking about any mistake he did in the past. Ofcourse he couldn't find any,  he has been always knowledgeable about his works and statics. The skin of his forehead wrinkling, due to the frown owning his face.

"did you call any one of them?" Kim voiced out. His tired self arose from his chair, folding his arms over his chest. He let out deep sigh. The tension surrounding the room, had the assistant fiddling with his fingers, while his head bowed down.

"Yes sir, two of them as the others weren't picking up the call. One of the two said nothing, just greeted and wished luck--and that was really weird of him. And the other wasn't really sure what to say,  he kept playing with his words." the assistant spoke in one breath. Looking up for response, which he got in a form of deeply thinking Mr Kim.

At the moment, He knew he had to go out of the room. And so he did. "sir, I'll take my leave now. Any information found, will be passed on to you." Mr Choi displayed a respestfilled bow to his boss. Leaving the room and Mr Kim in mere silence.


Taehyung felt appalled, astonished. He was dismayed and offended. It wasn't his fault the he was a flamboyant person. But did he ever intended to flirt with anyone in return? No he never did. Never will.

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