30. ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ's ᴠɪsɪᴛ.

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Sitting on his chair, he had been given a office room on his very first day. The desk was littered with many papers, files and on the corner on the table, a large mac pc was settled.

Just when he was about to type something on his pc, his phone ranged. The contact showed of yoongi. Taehyung's lips tugged upwards in a smile. But a little scared he was, he hasn't called his best friend since the day he revealed his secrets. Not that they're clingy friends, but he's hyung is definitely scary sometimes.

Quickly sliding the accept option, he brought the phone near his ear. Supporting it with his shoulder, he continued his work.

"Taehyungaahh.." and here goes the sarcastic hyung.

"Hyung...hey! How are you! How're you doing!" The younger spoke in a enthusiastic tone, but we'll know very he was anything but excited.

"I'm really really fine taehyungah, how're you doing these days, I thought the only call I'm gonna get will be to inform your funeral date. Guess I was wrong." Yoongi spoke in a
Low tone, sarcasm flowing through his words.

"Hyunngg I was busy, I'm busy actually... I'll work at the company now so..." The green eyes boy said, hesitantly.

"Yah tae-ah is a business man now! I guess I'm mere student for him... I'm gonna miss my friend Mr Kim.." the shorter boy, practically rolled his eyes at the younger's statement.

"Yoongi Hyung....you see..I know you're mad at me....okay I'm sorry. Forgive me for forgetting your existence. I had several thing go..."

"Okay okay, shut up now. You speak too much. By the way Your midget wanted to talk to you.." well jimin was just beside yoongi, it wouldn't be a lie to say that the pink haired boy was sagar to curse his soulmate.

"My midget? Ohh that magog! Oh my god I missed him!" The brunette excitedly grinned.

The phone was soon snatched by the pink haired boy, who seemed to be fuming. No one dares to call him short and here this belle looking boy dares to tease every single time.

"You motherfucker!" Jimin yelled.

"Jiminaa....You're a tea pot, short and stout, you've smol fingers with a big mouth!" Taehyung giggled, anyother human would have loved that sound but jimin was a exception.

"Seriously taehyung... What are you? 4?" Jimin rolled his eyes, while yoongi gave a lazy smile at his bestfriend's antiques.

"I swear I was taller than you even at that age!" Taehyung said, smirking.

"I wonder what jungkook saw in you bitch!" The pink haired boy, said within gritted teeth.

"Just what yoongi hyung would never see in you..hehe byeee" the geen eyes boy enthusiastically waved his hand, even though the boy on the other side wouldn't be able to see him.

Now the pink haired boy was annoyed to hell. Quickly mumbling a 'fuck you' he handed over the phone to yoongi.

"taehyung atleast once talk to him nicely..he was actually being nice today." The hyung said.

"Hyung I need to go now..take care." And the phone was hung up. He quickly put the phone on the table while signing some papers. The room was silent until a man came running to a room.

"Sir, Mr Kim isn't well, he's asking for you!" The man said, still unable to breathe due to the running he had to do to reach here.

Taehyung quickly got up and reached out to his father. Each step he took, his mind wandered what would have happened, why his father asked for him.

Seeing the ebony door of his father's office, he stormed inside. The scene was unpleasant. His father was sitting on his chair, looking tired and unwell. While his secretary for calling someone.

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