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This book's officially ending.. :(


His coughs and gags were really violent now, scaring the shit out of jungkook and sehun. "b-baby, it's alright, we're almost there love.. Please.." he pleaded, caressing Taehyung's chest.

"k-koo..I'm not feeling g-good... It's p-paining... Please lemme sleep.. I b-beg you" the boy begged, squinting his eyes tightly.

"p-please koo its paining s-so much.. make i-it sstop pplease..please I b-beg you.." the boy cried heavily, clutching his excessively bleeding stomach.

Both the boys in the car couldn't stop themselves from crying their hearts, "baby--"

"k-koo.... I want d-dad..my d-dad..bring him to m-me kook!.." and now finally the ravenatte let out a broken sob he was holding for a long time. These aren't his last moments with his love right..?

He sobbed, taking Taehyung's slender hand in his own, he kissed the soft thin fingers numerous times.

"love just some more minutes..hold on for me, for your koo.. For your bunny.. You will do it right?.. " the ravenatte asked as he took tissues sehun handed to him just now.

Gently wiping the blood from Taehyung's mouth and lips, he Leaned down to place a soft chaste kiss on his lover's pale lips.

As he took in his love's state his eyes bawled out of his sockets. His usual cherry lips were pale, as tan skin turned to whitish and pale.

The blood Oozing out of the deep wound wasn't stopping at all, the bleeding from Taehyung's head already damped jungkook's jeans.

But was he concerned? Oh hell noo!

As he held tightly on Taehyung's face who was closing his eyes, he chanted only one thing, "taehyung don't.. Please..don't close your eyes.. Baby please.. Listen to me! Please.. Open your eyes taehyung!"

But to no avail, taehyung didn't open his eyes. He finally fell into a deep slumber, wishing to wake up rather in his parent's embrace or his boyfriend's.

Jungkook couldn't stop himself from nudging the boy to wake up. Sehun had to stop him by instantly stopping the car at the entrance of the hospital.

"baby we're hear, wake up love! Taehyung!" he yelled, but soon felt taehyung being drifting away from his arms as sehun carried the boy inside.

"sehun where are you taking him?! Stop!" don't take him away from me please! Please leave him to me! SEHUN!!! "the ravenatte shouted, his nerves popped up on his neck, as he yelled with all strength left in him.

His mind, his brain slept away too with taehyung. Now only his heart worked which was yearning for the green eyed boy.

He ran behind sehun, only to find him laying taehyung on a stretcher and now that the boy was in proper lightening, they both swore to kill the man with their own hands.

The bruises on Taehyung's lips and Wrists looked so unbearable. His hair drenched in blood, as there was a cut on his collarbone which disappeared right beneath the Grey shirt.

Sehun's shirt was more seemingly looked like maroon shaded with all the patterns Taehyung's blood had soaked in.

Taehyung was immediately considered as a emergency patient, as doctors rushed in different directions. Seeing the ruckus, they realized how serious and critical taehyung was right now.

How much on the last line of living he was.

"the survival rate seems even less than 20 percent doctor, what should we do?!" sehun heard a doctor hurriedly asking to his senior, who later order all the nurses and doctors to get the operating room ready.

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