56. ᴅᴇᴇᴘ ʀᴇɢʀᴇᴛɪᴏɴ.

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"I'll come to pick you up in the morning, have some sleep okay? "Jackson patted the brunette's head, who had been silent throughout the drive till here.

Taehyung nodded softly, and got out of the car, bowing to his friend, thanking him for his kind gestures. " do you want me to walk you, to your house? " the officer asked.

"No, I'll be fine on my own, t-thankyou again.. "
And there the boy's voice broke, as another fresh pair of tears flowed down his soft cheeks.
Jackson instantly held the male in his arms, rubbing his back.

"I'm not going to pretend that I understand what you must be going through right now Taehyung-ah.. But just remember that I'm here for you, I'm all ears if you want to let out your grief, and frustration. I'm here, hun..." Jackson whispered softly, pulling away taehyung nodded his head.

And thus, the boy bided his friend who promised to pick him in early in the morning.


The green eyed boy slowly walked towards his home. Home. The last gift, given to him by his father. He couldn't even imagine, that this thing was going to be last thing his father would give him.

His steps halted in front of the grey door, of his house, Softly knocking on the door. The young maid instantly opened the door with a welcoming smile, but the smile soon vanished seeing the male's state.

Disheveled hair, tear stained face, crimson swelled lips. The boy didn't even try to look up, walking inside the house with his head bowed. down.

Oh how she couldn't even imagine, what just happened with the boy, what he went through in these couple of hours he was out of the house.

Dragging his feet to his room, he found Tyullib on her phone, a smirk adorning her face, while she stood near the bed. Just when Taehyung saw her presence in the room, the male turned around, wanting to stay in another room, just away from other's presence.

Before Tyullib could run behind her husband, the male reached the other room and slammed the room's door.


He sat down on the floor, his head leaning on the door. His mind playing the last moments just occurred to him.

The sight of his father's lifeless, blooded face again and again came in front of his closed eyes.
He realised he couldn't just close his eyes now, it'd be too traumatizing for his heart.

"taehyung? Tae? Open the door please... Tell me what happened... I'm scared.. " Tyullib uttered,
But Taehyung couldn't find the strength in himself to answer her, to tell her about his father very sudden death.

He stood up walking towards the bed, as he removed his T-shirt throwing it somewhere in the corner of the room. Just how he felt like being caged, he felt like ripping his clothes just so he could free himself, but he couldn't because the thing caging him was his grief, pain.


The ravenatte was laying on his bed, memories of his love playing for the millionth time in his head.

"call me HYUNG you mannerless kid! " when they both started dating, jungkook would often call him by his name and Taehyung would whine jokingly.

"see those pair stars together, it's me and you with alot of our kids! " when they were together on the rooftop, jungkook wrapped the older in his arms as they both gazed at the dark sky above.

"you're such a bro material kook! " when initially jungkook didn't how to date people, how to be romantic and that's why he'd call Taehyung to play overwatch with him, to play soccer with him or he'd invite him to workout together.

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