22. ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴏs ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇs..

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cmon tell me who's your bais? Even though I'm an 0T7, I like Tae and sope the most.

So let's get on with the chapter!


Author's pov.

The room was lighted in red. The sofas placed in the room were black, the room just gave seductive vibes and the thought made taehyung gag. Ofcourse he didn't like stuffs like this, he had always been decent and Sophisticated. Never hung out in such places with anyone. He has always been away from these disgusting clubs and bars.

Shortly, taehyung's pretty green orbs caught a figure on the sofa. Tyullib. She had her head down, on her arms which were resting on her thighs.

Taehyung could sense some worry built inside himself. Don't judge him, he never thought seeing the woman who was always so mannered and classy--will be seen in such condition.

He quickly went towards her and crouched down. Gently petting her arm. Feeling the touch, She looked up, and God.. Was she drooling.

Gazing the male, up and down--at his whole figure. She was awestruck. The man just wore a silk shirt with trousers and a black cardigan but still managed to look super gorgeous.

She smiled looking in his green orbs, which held harmony, peace, purity in them. She could look in these eyes for a whole day without even getting bored.

The male's expression was just blank, as if thinking something. So she took the opportunity and threw herself on the male who was quick to hold her.

Wrapping her arms around the brunette's neck, she clinged onto him. And taehyung took her actions normally as for a drunk person. But could he sense the evil intentions of the lady? NO.

He stood up, helping the girl to do so too by gripping her waist while her arms were still wrapped around his neck. He just wanted to get home, in his bed. But the heavens had other plans for the gorgeous male.

Trying to guide her drunk self towards the door, he felt that Tyullib wasn't nudging a bit. Standing at the same place, she looked up to lock her eyes with the other's questing one's.


Taehyung was shocked, the lady had just pushed him against the wall. The height difference between them wasn't much, as Tyullib had the high pumps on.

Her slender, jeweled fingers were brushing against taehyung's marked neck. She could clearly see the fresh hickeys and bites. But her being stubborn, didn't even feel bad--thinking about marking the already marked skin, claiming the already claimed man.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, a sigh left his soft lips. He held the lady's hand and stood straight.

"cmon Tyullib let's get you hom--" Tae felt a hand on his chest, keeping him in place, between the wall and Tyullib.

Her one arm, around his neck and one against his chest, gently caressing the area.
Taehyung felt annoyed now, he just needed a good Night sleep but for God's sake he got to deal with this heavily drunk lady who's horny now.

"Tae... My Taee..." she said, stretching her words. Her fingers trailed over the male's chest to his tummy.

Taehyung quickly yanked her hands, held her wrist, annoyed. He didn't blame the girl. He couldn't. Ofcourse he won't, because the lady was drunk. Not in her right senses.

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