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I really like roses and pink sky

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I really like roses and pink sky.❤



Jungkook's pov.

I dressed up and went down, hoping tae would be down here chatting with my mom but he wasn't. Resulting in a frown to settle on my face.

I bid my mom a goodbye and went out in our parking lot. On my way, I again hoped to find and this time i wasn't wrong. Thank god.

There he was, leaning against his range rover with his expressionless expression, wtf. Seriously, today his clothes aren't going too well with his personality.
Pastel and soft.
Whereas his features define a ethereal bad boy, My ethereal bad boy.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare right into my soul bro?!" He groaned.
"Bro? You mean BAE, right?"
"Baby, you still mad? I said I'm sorry i wont do that again." I said, blinking my eyes numerous times.
He walked away, sat on his driving seat and started the engine, i stood there frowning.
"Okay enough, I'm off to uni now."
"Hey, wait for me!" I ran to the passenger seat and then finally we drove away.

"I brought some breakfast for you,it's on the backseat, grab it." He said while his eyes were settled on the road.

I smiled, his actions always scream love!
"Thankyou baby, i love you!" I grabbed the breakfast and started filling my stomach. It was delicious.

I held some in front his mouth, he looked at me with a questionable look, i motioned him to eat it.
"I know you haven't eaten yours." I murmured while pouting which made him smile.

I was so busy eating my food that i didn't even realise that we're in front of our favourite cafè nearby our university.

We don't arrive at the university together. You must be wondering why, well we haven't made our relationship official because we weren't comfortable. Actually he wasn't. He stopped me from making it official.

Nevermind, if he's with me, I'll do whatever he wants.

"You want coffee?" He asked, tilting his here left and right to check if anyone's watching us.
"No..." i looked away. It makes me sad how he keeps us as a secret. I wanna hold him in public and kiss him in front everyone, claiming what's mine, in front every soul.

"Mhm.., I'll grab some then, just take my car with you, okay?"
"Uh, yeah."
He was about to unlock his side of door but looked back at me.
Soon, i felt soft lips on mine, pecking mine smoothly. I felt butterflies in my stomach. These gestures, they make me fall in love with him more every single second.

"I love you okay, don't be sad. You know that I've my reasons for keeping our relationship unofficial, right?

"Yeah i know."

"You're the only man who can get me flustered, can make me blush, call me his..
My heart only belongs to you. You're my one and only and I can't even think about changing it, not even in my dreams. You get it?"

His words made my heart skip a beat. How can one be so wonderful inside out!

"Yeah, i do" i smiled flashing my bunny teeth at him, and in return i got a boxy smile of his. God i can take him here and now itself.

"That's my man!"

He pecked my lips along with my forehead. Fuck this makes me feel soo bottom. But i love it.

He got out, and made his way to the cafè.
I sighed and changed my seat to driver's seat and drove to university.

It was 3rd lecture, i was going to my next class which was accounts but i noticed that my baby still hasn't arrived.
His friends circle is different then mine,even though we had some friends in common.

It was lunch time and i was on my way to the cafeteria. I entered the canteen and looked around to find that specific face I've been dying to take a glimpse of.

And there he was, smirking while his friends were laughing there ass out. It's definitely him who made a joke, his smirk says so.

I stared at him for a couple of minutes hoping to get noticed by him but it'll never happen.

I sighed and made my way to the food lane.

I stood there for like for 10 minutes. These lines are pretty big. My eyes couldn't help but look for him again.

Here we go again, this freaking bitch, kim jeyin, who's been crushing over my boyfriend since, like since I've been in this university. I don't know and i dont fucking care.

She's literally trying to get my man's dick in her filthy pussy and trust me I'm never gonna let that happen.

Author's pov

Jeyin kept her hands on taehyung's shoulder to which he responded quickly by pushing her hand away.
"Taehyungie! Why so rude haan!" She pouted while blinking her fake eyelashes numerous times.
"Can you just fuck off." Taehyung whined.
"Daddy, don't be so meanie and c'mon lemmie sit there!" She pounted somewhere but taehyung looked at her confused.
"There daddy! Your thick thighs would be a perfect seat for me to sit over!" She gently moved taehyung's hands from the table and sat on his lap, forcefully wrapping his arms around her waist.
"What the actual fuck! Get your dirty ass off me!" He yelled.
"Oppa just calm down. I know you love it."
"Bitch get off me now!"
"But taebaby.."
"NOW I SAID!" now every single soul were enjoying the show except one.
"Oppa you're more sexy when angry." She bit her lip seductively while wrapping her hands around taehyung's neck.
"Okay that's enough." He pushed her aside which resulted into her falling on the ground.
"Told you bitch. Do not get on my nerves. I've my limits and you're crossing it now."

With that being said he left the cafeteria but not before taking a glimpse of his boyfriend.


No readers i see, but let's just continue..🦄

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