73. ᴛᴡɪsᴛᴇᴅ ᴀʙᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ

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A bit of gore, harassment and angst there..


A Grey haired man carried the unconscious young ceo in his arms, carrying him bridal style, his arms definitely pained but not much that he expected. The pretty Ceo was surely lean and fit, but not much heavy as compared to a muscular man.

His pretty bright eyes were closed, his body felt limp in the man's arms. His lips looked delicious, cherrish. But the man holding him wasn't gay. He thought so at least.

His brown locks fell on his forehead, his button nose looking as pretty as ever. But the man couldn't just admire, couldn't just check out a male, male whom his son fucked with.

He entered gradually in dark pitch room. Placing the knocked out, limp male on a wooden chair, he immediately tied the ceo's hands on the chair's arms.

Self defense was his priority. Because the Ceo didn't seem like a defenseless, stupid petit boy. The boy was as much tall as him, muscular enough to fight with him gracefully.

And he just can't bring himself to have bruises on his well maintained face.

Turning on the bulp, which was right over Taehyung's head, or to be exact, right on the ceiling beneath taehyung was seated.

The yellowish brightness fell on the dewy skin of the gorgeous brunette. Highlighting his sharp features even more. Leaving more of a lustrous effect on his abductor.

Taehyung opened his eyes slowly, his head throbbing with a harsh ache, as he felt his muscles stilled at one place. His breathing slowly came to its usual pace, as he tried to make out the situation he was in right now.

Wasn't he at the front of cemetery, heading towards his car? But then it came to him, how he felt a stinging pain on his neck as the blackness covered his sight.

He looked around hastily, trying to see who did this to him. Noticing his hands were tied, that too really tightly, he groaned like a mad man.

Unable to move his hands caused a huge amount of anxiety to the green eyed male.

But then his eyes led on a Grey haired man, who was smoking a cigar, polluting the already stinky atmosphere.

Those same gray hair, the tall and muscled posture, those same bunny eyes. It was the Jeon jongkhyun.

But wait why would he kidnap him?

"I know sweetie what you're thinking.." the same husky low voice spoke, his tone extremely sweet and gentle unlike his action.

The man had deadly grin on his face, his hair perfectly styled, and his black t-shirt helped his biceps and chest looking flexed even more.

This was soo jungkook. But an older version.

"aren't you gonna voice out your honey dipped voice my little taehyung-shi?" the man questioned, walking towards the tied Ceo who squinted his eyes in pain as his wrists were already littered with cuts and bruises.

"what the hell do you want from me? Taehyung asked back in calm tone, anger wouldn't be the emotion he's going use this soon.

"hmm.. You guess it!" the man exclaimed, taking a long stroke of his cigar, later humming in satisfaction. Taehyung almost cringed at the man's enthusiasm, what was he so excited for.

Little did he knew, the man had waited for two decades to get this green eyed Ceo in his grip, his hands were aching to take his sweet revenge from the boy who had taken away his love. His obsession.

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