72. ᴠɪsɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ sᴏᴜʟs.

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Kim Taehyung, was sitting in his car, well seokjin's car because his vehicle was crashed in by his psychotic wife. He drove the four wheeler in a slow pace. A normal speed.

His mind was loaded up with today's shocking, unwanted events. The slap he received on his cheek, the accusations throwed on him. On top of that, his wife, with whom he's been living under the same roof was a culprit of his father's murder.

The lady had blackmailed his father, to have him, she played him just because she wanted to claim the already claimed man.

Was her skull that thick, that she couldn't make herself believe that he was taken, he was already in love with someone else. That he belonged to someone else.

He was least bit interested in her. fuck it, he can't even look at anyone with those feelings, the one you've when you want them to be yours. He already had his eyes set on a certain ravenatte.

And now he officially confesses that Kim Taehyung is gay. He doesn't find any female or male appealing to him, unless the person his Jeon jungkook.

He's gay for jungkook. He's sexuality is Jungkook. Just like Jungkook's orientation is Kim Taehyung.

Anyways, let's not discuss about their personal matters, Who am I kidding, when you'll had Read their love making nights... We'll are suckers for these two, aren't we? We are more interested in their relationships, when our own doesn't even exists.

The male drove towards a particular graveyard. Where his parents were buried. Where his parents, physically present right now. It's been eight months since his father died.

Since he left the green eyed boy alone. Since Taehyung's been on his own, all alone. Everything sucked, that too really badly. He didn't have that excitement when he headed to his home.
He didn't wonder what his father might be doing right now. And that really sucked.

But it's believed that, when you love a person dearly, God sents them away from you, afar from you, even if it's physically or emotionally.

In Taehyung's case, it was both. His father pushed him away, using the cruel way. Through hurting him. Albeit the very last words he told to his father were "I hate you..", he couldn't really mean it now.

He can never in the world hate the person who he loved so dearly and back. That person was his mother and father both. The way looked after him, even though he had to work day and night.. The way he dressed up Taehyung, getting him ready, even though he had his office at the same time.

All these events can't be forgotten by Taehyung. And now he gives all his credits behind success to that man. That man who handed him a well handled business, that man who taught him perfect etiquettes and manners, had brought him here on this high peak.

Kim Taehyung surely left a mark on South Korea's financial and commercial market. His name was known by each and every person in this country, the young twenty two year old boy had created a history by getting his company on the very top in just two months. And this achievement had gained him a good numbers of admirers along with equal number of haters.

And a person who topped the haters list was right now following the green eyed oblivious man who had reached to the well known graveyard.


Jungkook was stunned. Dismayed. Offended. Seeing his father's pictures with a really beautiful lady in really romantic positions had made the boy blink his eyes numerous times to make sure it wasn't an illusion.

The box he held contained so many things such as authentic hair clips, a bracelet, a chain locket with matching rings.

Pictures and letters were a different matter to be talked about. And seeing the pictures, jungkook swore he has seen the lady somewhere. Those familiar green blueish eyes, cherry lips and brown hair.

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