29. ᴀsʏʟᴜᴍ.

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It was a bright afternoon, the employees were doing their work sincerely. The traffics were viewable from her glass big windows, more like walls. Her red heels produced a tik sound everytime she took a step. Glancing at the busy city of Seoul, she crossed her arms on her chest. Closing her eyes and letting the wind touch her beautiful face.

everything was going as she wanted. Her heart was at different ecstasy. Imagining the future she was going to have had her blushing badly. The red tint adorned her cheeks. Her father has been forcing her to get married and now that she found her love, she's willingly going to her dad.

Sighing happily, she felt satisfied with how the the things were processing. The progress she had untill now was good. The wind begin to blow little heavily and she was forced to close the glass slide. Coming back to her sit, where she sat gracefully--placing a leg over other she demanded her secretary to come inside.

A tall petite lady, knocked on the door. Hearing a soft come in, she headed inside.
Her boss sat there, a pretty black pencil skirt, with black shirt perfectly showing off her curves. The black phone in her thin feminine hands looked pretty.

The lady looked up and sighed. Gesturing the secretary to sit. She had her head down as the boss was gazing at her continuously. After a second, tapped on the desk, to gain the secretary's attention.

"Are you doing what I said?" Tyullib questioned, locking her darks orbs with the other's.

"Yes mam." The secretary, ji yunhi replied confidently. Tyullib hummed, tugging a lock of her brown hair behind her ear she spoke again.

"Tell me the progress we made." She ordered sternly.

"We have taken almost all of shares, quite some are left. Just some of the stubborn owners are asking too many questions. But we're dealing with it already." The lady showed her phone to her boss, showing some statics.

"Good. But as I said, no outsider should no about this. Is it clear?" The boss asked, frowning.

"Yes mam, every single thing is going perfectly, just like you wanted." Ji yunhi took a paper from her file, sliding it towards the boss.

"And these, just like you asked, the money is transferred to your account and the money we got from those Kim's shares are transferred to the unknown account you gave." The lady said with vanity. Proud of her work. Even though a sorrowful feeling took over her mind for the Kim's. The scam they went through.

Just when the lady was about to ask about other step, an old grey haired man stormed inside the room, almost breaking the door apart.

Mr min, had a ugly scowl on his face. His black suit looked wrinkled due to the High Speed he walked in. The secretary shivered at the way the man looked. Angry and resent.

"Out." The man said in a profound voice. Causing the lady to take big steps towards the door.

When the locking sound of the door was heard, the man came towards his daughter. Standing right in front of her, same as her level, as the man was slightly stout in height and his daughter had heels on.

"Tyullib... tyullib... you're one of a kind, ain't you?" The man said, gritting his teeths. Anger took over, the scowl on his face seemed to be inherent at the moment.

"Dad.." the lady uttered in as soft voice, sounding as soft as ever. Reacting as if knew nothing.

"Ah get over tyullib! Just stop these acts!" The man growled.

"Don't freaking think that I won't know what you're doing here! I own this building, every single act is in my sight!" The man yelled, feeling his nerves exploding with unpleasantness.

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