14. ғɪɴᴀʟʟʏ, ᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ.

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Hawhaw! Wassup? I've been sick since 2 days..my stomach's giving up now.🙁


Jk's pov.

After having 4 rounds of you know what ;)..here we are, laying beside each other, in each other's arms. The moon was still up in the sky, yeah it's midnight.
Tonight was so wonderful, beautiful, amazing, i had a gorgeous time with my taehyung. I love him, too much but his body ohmg, dont touch me! It's soo ethereal. He never fails to satisfy me, my needs. I'm soo addicted to his body, i can never be turned on by any other person--other than taehyung.

He resides in my soul, my mind, my heart and I'm not letting him leave, ever. Everything i have, belongs to him--i belong to him and he belongs to me.

I snuggled my face in his crook of neck, his arm around my shoulder, perfectly working as a pillow. My arms were wrapped around his waist. His eyes were closed...and i here..peppered his neck with wet kisses.

"Tae.." i asked, to see if he was sleeping or not. He hummed in response.

"Why were you late?" It wasn't like i forgot, the question was in my mind, since the moment we laid beside each other.and I'm so not eagar for the answer.
"You heard me baby." I soo wanted to look at his face, but the peace around his neck was stopping me.

"I went to a friend's house.she suddenly fell sick--and she asked me to stay with her."okay so the friend was a "she". I couldn't feel nervousness in his voice. What am doing...am i doubting him?

"Which friend?" I couldn't stop myself from asking this question. I know i sound really bad/desperate at the moment--but for your kind sweet information, I'm really possessive over my taehyung.

"You don't know her kookie." he said softly.

"Have i ever met her? Or seen her?" It felt so calm and soothed as he massaged my scalp.

"Yeah yesterday..in uni." Okay i see,he's lil nervous.

"The one you were smiling at so happily, cheerfully as a polite manner,yeah?" I mocked him, i rarely do it but when i do i swear he's always calm, i dont know why.

"Yeah that one."

"So she's a friend now...soo soon baby. Didn't even wait for a second meet and greet." I can't control myself when i see him with anybody who can take my place. And i swear i feel that this friend is fishy.

"Koo...c'mon you don't have to act like this." His voice was so assuring, that if i wasn't so possessive--i would have never questioned him again.

Keyword : if.

I sat up, and guess what we were still naked. Not like I'm a shy, i can walk,sing, dance, play naked in front of taehyung and never be shy. Trust me That's the level of intimacy and comfort between in our relationship.

"Hyung, you might like her but for me she's a big no no. Have you seen the way she looks at you?" I was furious, he shouldn't believe anyone just after seeing them for the first time.

"Koo Ofcourse she would behave like that, you wouldn't throw daggers at a stranger you're meeting for the very first time."

Tae my baby, I'd definitely kill her in our very first meet and greet.

"I would do that if i ever met her. And moreover she just used that 'first impression is the last impression' formula on you." My expression was stern now, he's defending her too much now.

"Obviously koo, everyone wants there first impression to be good. She's a normal being, she too wanted that."

"Too sweet hyung, too sweet. You're supporting her already!" I clapped my hands to mock him more.

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