37. ᴀ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴏᴜᴛ.

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Umm.. Some of you said, not to
Let taekook break up...so I just wanted
To say that not everytime relationships are pink and purples--they go through black and Grey's too.

And this book has been fluffy till now,
Wasn't it?
And it was made to have drama
And angst.. I never said
It's only going to be fluffy romantic
Taekook. :(

I can't change my whole concept just
Because you don't wanna see
Taekook apart... It's not how things work.

Okay enough... Let's get on with the chapter and please suggest me, advice me and give feedbacks to me so I can enhance my writing... ❤


Both were engulfed, lost in each other's arms. Their breathings were slow steady, calm as they were in their safe places right now.

It's beautiful like how you find your safe place, your peace in someone's arms. When you've that someone in your life,
The feeling is beautiful, the feeling is mutual.
And that's what it felt like to both the boys.

Taehyung was hurt, his head was suffering from a throbbing pain, but seeing the love of his life in front of his sight--his pain, ache, soreness..everything went away.

He knew the ravenatte was sensitive when it came to him, so he did what always he always preferred in such situations --opened his arms for the younger boy who ran to him like a lost puppy would run to his owner.

Both the boys kissed away their worries, concerns. Now the only thing they felt was each other's wellness. Feeling lucky to have the brunette in his arms, safe and sound just made thank Jesus for the hundredth time.

"ah kook cmon leave me now, I'm soreeeee.." taehyung whined, the ravenatte was just not ready to let the other go, he felt like if he pulled away--his love, his heart would be taken away.

After a while, the ravenatte finally got the strength to pull away, still not letting go of taehyung's waist. "your car..." jungkook pointed towards the car, which was crashed against the electric poll.

The bonnet of the vehicle was completely destroyed, the middle of the bonnet was nowhere to be seen. The front glass of the vehicle was broken miserably.

Taehyung sighed deeply, his senses still not able to let go of the fear he felt when the electric pole was right in front of his sight, and he wasn't able to do anything.

"thanks to those airbags.. God knows what would have happened to me if it weren't for those air pillows.." the brunette chuckled to lighten up the mood, but he was oblivious to jungkook's hitched breathing.

He could bear with anything, he could take any pain and grief but thinking about what his boyfriend just said, it was a heart stopping moment for him.

"shut up!" the ravenatte softly, really gently smacked other's head as the brunette whined and later giggled. The ravenatte also put up a smile on his handsome face, seeing his boyfriend happy means his happiness too.

"okay stand up now, we're gonna leave." the ravenatte stood up, holding his hand for the brunette who gladly took it, and stole a peck from the younger who blushed, even if it was the billionth kiss, Tae gave. Reaching out to his car's backseat, he removed the velvet box and stuffed it in his pant's pocket, making sure to not let the ravenatte notice.

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