53. ʜᴇ's ʜᴜʀᴛ, ᴛʜᴜs ʜᴇ sɴᴀᴘs.

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Double update coz I've been trying to find books to read but couldn't find anything interesting, so thought of writing another chapter... 💖

As I updated now, I might not update tomorrow, just a break I guess but still I'm not sure about it. Keep your fingers crossed! 💕👑


The hall got empty pretty soon, after the wedding rituals were completed. Taehyung's mind wandered around his father, who didn't showed up at the wedding, even when he was most enthusiastic about this day.

He had called him numerous times, but call straight reached to voicemail leaving Taehyung restless, his mind creating various scenarios in his head.

" Tae... Taehyungie?... Taehyung! " Tyullib shook the boy, who was busy in his own thoughts.
"God, what happened? " Taehyung asked.
"what are you thinking about, I've been calling since a couple of minutes but you were so dozed off.. " the lady whined.

"no, I was just thinking about dad, you see he didn't come here..." the male worriedly said.
"Hm, he might be having some other company related work, I guess.. "

Tyullib caressed the male's arm softly, "don't take stress Tae, he's alright! Might be busy somewhere! " she smiled brightly, intertwining her hands with taehyung's.

"c'mon let's go.. To our home.. " Taehyung stilled at his place, just now he realised that the lady was going to live with him, he was going to share his house with someone now.

Processing the information, the boy slowly nodded, walking outside the hall. Hands in hands, as the lady leaned her head on taehyung's shoulder.

Who was still very lost, worrying about his father's whereabouts.

when they reach near their car, taehyung opened the door of the backseat for his bride who smiled and sat inside, expecting for Taehyung to join.

Just when the green eyed male was about to sit in the car, his phone ranged causing him to hurriedly pull it out, expecting for his father's contact to pop up.

But to his dismay it was Seokjin, the boy sighed and accepted the call, holding the phone on his his ear as he closed the door of the vehicle.

"Hyung...are you still here?" the groom questioned. "yes bear I'm inside, I called you to say that I'm heading for dae--" Taehyung almost yelled, interrupting the older male.

"No! Umm are you inside the hall? " as soon as Seokjin said yes the green eyed male headed inside the hall, jogging towards the said destination.

As he reached inside the hall, he found couple of workers working and Jin and some other man were talking about something important, as their faces showed up a serious expression.

Taehyung walked towards the blonde male, standing a meter away from him, not wanting to seem nosey. Seokjin and the man soon bided professional goodbye's to each other and the blonde turned towards Taehyung.

With a usual smile on his face, the man hugged the boy tightly. For Seokjin, Taehyung was nothing less than his own younger brother, he didn't have one at the first place which caused him to be more closer to the green eyed boy.

Both had spent their childhood together until Jin had to study in university for his graduation. And due to some company issues Seokjin's father had to move to Daegu. They had been in touch but soon Seokjin took over his father's company after his death, which caused him to be busy.

To the blonde male, Taehyung still was a y15 years old pretty boy, who had so much interest in music and songs. He was shocked at first, to see the brunette was almost his height.

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