17. ᴅ'ᴄᴏsᴛᴀ ᴅɪɴɴᴇʀs.

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I arrived at my native village, and it's insanely cold here. Like so so cold.


Author's pov

The meeting room was really loud. Even before entering he could here employees murmuring. And at that moment he swore that he's gonna set them straight after taking over.

Entering the huge cabin, people immediately stood up and bowed, after taehyung, his father arrived. They sat on the leather chairs, various ceos of companies under us were invited. People constantly staring at him, a new face.

Well for some people he was a new face, and for some just the same handsome one. Suddenly the door was opened, revealing a lady in sleek black. Tyullib. Ofcourse she'd come, she's the partner after all.

She looked for a seat, people stood up and offered theirs, but she softly declined. For a second everyone thought she just came to check up on the employees, because of the way she was declining each and every seat.

The seat beside tae was taken by another ceo, who soon had to get up because our sweet tyullib asked more like ordered the petty man to leave the seat. Taehyung thought if he was at that man's place, he'd tell her to fuck off just by a glare.

"Hey." the lady, dressed in black blazer and a v-neck dress underneath said.
"Hey." Taehyung replied, uninterestingly ofcourse.

Tyullib's charming expression changed to a new one, a deep tug of lips, downwards.
The boy was talking so enthusiastically to the girl at the elevator earlier, And now to her in a whole opposite way. Did he hate her, no. We'll that's the truth.

"Do you don't like me or what? You always talk so rudely to me..." The girl was sulking now. Hands on her lap, finger fiddling with each other.

"Oh it's not like that, I'm just annoyed, of these people." He said in a obvious tone.
His elbow resting on the arm of his chair, while his fingers playing with the strands of his brunette hair.

"Why sooo..?" Tyullib asked, extending the 'so'--foaming a pout.

"They're just so...., I mean they don't have the etiquettes one should have while working in a office." Taehyung said.

"Well we can change that, together. If you want." She hid her evil intentions behind her sweet voice. Her expressions always soft while talking to taehyung.

"Yeah I swear, I'll show them the real meaning of working in Kim's." Taehyung exclaimed, locking his green orbs with tyullib.

And tyullib, was already dead inside, killed by the deadly beautiful orbs of taehyung's.
The shimmer his eyes held was just something, you'd have no words to describe.
Those green orbs similar to the colour of nature held the same Pureness and happiness like nature's.

She was happy, really happy to have this boy beside her. People would die To have just a look of him, and here she was just beside the dreamy man.

"Tyullib.......hey..." The boy called the lady again and again, despite of her responding. At last he shook her a little, keeping his hands on her shoulders lightly.

The girl was flustered by the skinship just happened between the two. She felt thousands of papillons rather than butterflies in her pounding heart.

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