50. ɪ'ᴍ ʙᴇɪɴɢ sᴇʟғɪsʜ?

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Should publish other book while writing this.. Or after this? 😗🙊



The lady in black, walked gracefully on the rusted, old marble floor. The walls were peeling out from corners, the paint was only visible at some spots.

The doors were of iron, or copper. Cages like doors, made the inside of it look like a place to lock up wild animals. Several shouts and groans came into hearing causing the lady to produce a 'irk' sound.

The tall doctor was guiding her towards a specific room which was situated in the very corner of the floor. The caged people stared at her figure, just like a curious kid would stare a stranger.

Her now brown locks brushed against her shoulders at every step she took. Her red pumps creating satisfying sounds. Walking for like 2 minutes, their steps halted.

"he's here mam." the tall doctor, who had glasses on and a writing pad in his hand, spoke.

"aah.. Didn't I tell you to give a special treatment." the lady looked around, disgusted with the old interior of the place.

"I tried but, the trustees and heads wouldn't agree without seeing a proof of him being a VIP." doctor bowed his head, trying his best act professional even though he might wet his pants under the lady's hard gaze.

"isokay.. Nevermind." the lady sighed, running her fingers in her locks, she looked at the man again.

"now, do you want me to call your heads to open this door?" the brunette spoke, sarcasm flowing through her tone. The man nervously, unlocked the door--gesturing the lady to enter the room.

"mam, would you fine alone or should I stay?" doctor asked, voice holding hesitance.
The lady looked at him, eyeing the man from toes to head and disgusted over the pitiful doctor.

'my taehyungie is soo freaking gorgeous, handsome compared to these shitty people... Why the hell am I even comparing.. ' she rolled her eyes at the thought, clicking her tongue.

"I'll be fine, now get out." she ordered, opening the door herself while she stared at the male doctor.

"didn't you hear me? Go away!" she yelled at the dazed man who instantly rent away hearing the sharp tone of the lady.
"jerk." she mumbled and took a deep breath before entering the dark, ugly room.

She softly knocked the room's wall to gain the gloomy, lost man's attention who instantly looked at the direction of the sound.

The man was seating on a old, copper bed. The mattress looked worn out and dirty. The room wasn't even painted, just cement walls stared back at each other.

"dad." the lady said, a bright smile on her face, her eyes turned crescent moons while she slowly forwarded towards the old man
Until she was in a one meter away from the man.

"Tyullib." the man looked at his daughter with blank, empty eyes which once held adoration and pride for this lady.
"what do you want?" the man spoke blankly.

"that's rude, shouldn't you greet your lovely daughter before letting out that question?" the lady fake gasped, clutching her heart.

"your deed wasn't really daughterly, fuck off please." the man diverted his attention back to the old window, staring at vacant grassy land with dull eyes.

"please dad, this is the last place I wanted to be at, I just came here to tell you a good news!" she exclaimed, her brown orbs glinting with happiness and cheerfulness.

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