35. ᴀ sʜɪᴛᴛʏ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ sʟᴜᴛ.

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How could you all read the
Last chapter!? It was full of mistakes.
God, I need to proofread strictly before


Walking out the company, the man was lost in his thoughts. Rethinking, if his decision was right or not. But the man regretted it? A big fat no. Rubbing his temple, he repeated his action of reasoning his own self, to his heart as to why in the first place he took this decision.

He left the place, which was suffocating him more and more as the time passed. Reaching his car, he told the driver to drive him to his home. The driver had already informed the man about his son asking the driver, his father's whereabouts.

But Naeyon, the smart guy, had already explained more like manipulated the driver to lie to his son, to say that he's gone to his friend's house. He did feel a little bit of guilt, lying to his son who was just worried about him, but did he regret? Again... No.

The journey wasn't that long, he seemed to his own world causing the mid aged man to not notice the familiar surroundings of his own building. The driver stopped the car right in front of the tower's lobby, waiting for the man's to get down. Shortly after minutes, the driver called the man few times, causing him to come out of his thoughts.

"sir, we're here." the man said calmly. Naeyon looked around and found the familiar lobby. He took a deep sigh and got out of the car. The car headed toward the parking lot, while the father walked to the elevator slowly.

Reaching his house, the maid opened the door seeing the tired man she asked for water, Naeyon denied and went straight to his room.

Locking the door from inside, he quickly hopped onto his bed, that's when his phone vibrated. Pulling out the device, he saw it was his beloved son. He thought for a second if he should pick up or not, and agreed on the positive.

"dad! Where were you?! I was so worried about you! Didn't I tell you to take rest, are you alr--" the green eyed boy was busy but at the same time worried about his father who wasn't picking up his calls nor did he informed the boy about this sudden meet up.

But this concerned boy was soon Interjected by his father. "FUCK! JUST SHUT UP! WOULD YOU?" the man yelled, causing his son to flinch on the other side. Only silence echoed from both the sides.

"I-I'm sorry... Take c-care please.. " and the line went off, only beeps were heard. The father sighed intensely, his senses back on their places. He got up and changed his clothes to comfy ones, once done, he went to deep sleep.


Jungkook was in the middle of his room, sitting on the cold floor. He had a pillow in under head as he googled a couple of designs for some purpose.

Clicking Screenshots of two calligraphic alphabets, he sighed in relief and put the phone aside. He did have university today but, since his boyfriend stopped coming to the college, he doesn't not find the place anymore interesting.

But according to his boyfriend it was his last leave, because after today, friday he won't be allowed to bunk anymore. Tomorrow it's weekend And on Sunday it's his Love's birthday.

He had already decided how surprise his boyfriend. But still he had to buy something from his boy, he can't just surprise the other by what he had planned.

So now here he was, standing in front of a big city mall, parking his bike in the parking lot--he headed towards this specific shop.
A customising gifts shop.

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