68. ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀɴ ɪʟʟᴜsɪᴏɴ.

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I just realised that all this time this book was under paranormal genre..


BTW here's an update after an eternity.


The lady seemed dazed, lost. Taehyung's been really distant and gloomy. Of course it was just a facade he had put on for his own personal purpose. To stay away from the horny, clingy lady.

The night he came back home, well almost at midnight. The lady seemed like fighting her inner demons to keep herself stable from throwing hands at first person comes at her sight.

She was traumatized, as the visions from previous night, when taehyung disappeared came to her mind.

She's been extremely attached to the male. Much that even a hour without him, or knowing his whereabouts, seemed unbearable, horrible for the lady.

Being clueless about where the boy was, with whom he was, what he was doing,. Made her breathless, suffocated. She wanted to know about Taehyung's state, if he's fine or not.. She needs to know. She must know.

Calling for thousands of time, sending numerous texts but receiving no reply, frustrated the wife to an extent that she almost threw her phone out the window.

But right now the device seemed to be the only thing, that could connect her to her husband.

Taehyung loved her. At least he started to love her. He liked her, romantically. He wanted to be close to her, just like she wanted to be. But his past was restricting him from doing so.

Jungkook was stopping Her husband from doing so.

He was way far, completely gone from their lives. No trace of him were to find, anywhere near the couple, near Taehyung.

Only if she knew.

But all these things were thought by Tyullib. Our delusional queen.

She hated the ravenette with all her guts, with her whole existence. The boy. Managed to have the place she wanted, in Taehyung's heart.

Well, she didn't know, Jungkook didn't Manage to have that place in his heart, but he ruled his whole heart, his soul.
And who was taehyung to remove that boy, from where he belonged to. His heart.

It was destined to be taken by him, ruled by him. He was sure of it.

The moment he left the hotel, left the sleeping ravenette alone, felt really upsetting to the brunette. Imagine being waking up in hotel, alone. When you were supposed to be with your lover.

Taehyung was currently cursing his own self for making the boy go through this hardship.

But jungkook could go through anything, to have this green eyed boy in his arms, to be with him. Just him and Taehyung. No Tyullibs, no sehuns, no baekhyuns.

Both were each other's obsession, possession. They were crazy for each other, for each other's love, for each other's touch, body.

No one can swap their places in each other's hearts. No. Never.

Jungkook was Taehyung's. Taehyung was jungkook's. That was written in both of their fates. If not then,

They made sure, to carve it their, in bold capital letters.

No one could apart them, not even mere lovers like Tyullib. She was too much in love to see that she was being fooled. By her own first love, her husband.

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