70. ʀᴇᴍᴏʀsᴇғᴜʟ, ғᴜʀɪᴏᴜs ᴡɪғᴇ.

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Ahh the book's ending soon...I'm sad! 😔


The wife drove the car at the speed of light. Really fast, unable to control her legs from pressing the accelerator. Her eyes were bloodshot, red, swollen.

Her nose shining with a pink tint, so did her cheeks, glistening at the same time with the unlimited tears she's been shedding since the last hour.

Her heart just couldn't take it. Didn't she love him enough? Wasn't her love enough for him to not look for it in some one else.

But now she can't change it. He cheated, he betrayed her. And at the moment, she was no Kim Tyullib. Here the person driving car was Min Tyullib. The crazy, psychotic lady.

Several traffic police tried to stop as she broke numerous signals, almost running the car over a kid and an old lady. But she could care less ... She was back to her old version after all.

Being Mean, rude and careless was in her blood.

She had prepared all the lines, all the accusations she was going to accuse her cheater husband of. The man dared to betray her, and she would leave him? No honey, that wasn't Min Tyullib.

She launched her car in the company's parking lot, purposely crashing her car onto Taehyung's, the car he loved the most.
She wasn't even in her senses after all.

Heading inside, she stormed towards the male's cabin. Ignoring the employees who bowed their head. She could hear them pitting her, just because of that cheater whom she loved effortlessly.

Furiously pushing open the door, she found the person calmly standing by his window. His back facing her, as he stared outside, admiring the wide busy city.

She chuckled darkly. How she still checked him out, as he looked gorgeous, graceful as ever.

But soon the fact hit her, her betrayer was right in front of her, the man whom she loved, who fucked with someone else stood right in front of her. With no worries showing up on his perfect face.

Oh How she wanted to slap that perfect face.

And that's what she did. As she launched towards the gazed male, Taehyung flinched as he was pulled and turned around hastily, not even getting a second to undertand the situation, he was slapped hard on his face.

And how he knew that hand very well.

The male looked at her, with straightest face ever

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The male looked at her, with straightest face ever. The red print of slender fingers on his face seemed highlighted due to the bright sunlight.

"just H-how could you!" and there she stuttered, hating herself for doing so. But she just couldn't stop the fast beatening of her heart, as soon as Taehyung looked at her.

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