9. ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏɴғᴇssɪᴏɴ.

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♡I had such beautiful time in my school Because of him

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I had such beautiful time in my school
Because of him. ♡


Taehyung's pov.

There's only 15 minutes left by the time lunch break starts in my uni. I stood up and wiped my clothes in order to wipe away soil and leaves, if any stuck onto my back.

I drove back to said place, it just required ten minutes to reach there.

I went straight to cafeteria and found my peer group already sitting on their seats.
A deep sigh escaped my lips, and a tense expression took its place on my face.

"Hello Taehyung!" Taemin almost jumped onto my frame.

"Hey taehyung, why sho late?" Baekyun questioned, mouth still filled with potato fries.

"Nothing just arrived now." I answered while taking my usual seat. I grabbed yoongi's coke and took a sip of it.

"How can he sleep so much?" I whined Gesturing to yoongi who had his head on his folded hands on the table.

"That's a super power granted to him by our superior jisos!" Taemin spoke, motioning upwards.

"More like a curse!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes.

"Keep Rolling your eyes till they find your smol brain somewhere back in your hard skull!" Yoongi replied in his husky sleepy voice, eyes still hooded.

"Atleast i got one unlike you, sleepy cow."
I took another sip from the drink, it's semi hard taste hitting onto my throat.

"No more dump talks and listen to me now, I've an important matter to talk about." I said,a smug look settling on my face. I sat straight, my hands resting on the table.

"Bitch spill it out already." Taemin, an excited dumfuck.

"Bitch's your mom, motherfucker, see who you call by these names." Baek snapped at taemin, banging on the table.
I know baeky is possessive about me. Really.

"Shut the fuck up! And Let him continue!" Here comes our intelligent cat, known as yoongi.

Yoongi mouthed "continue" and the two assholes sat on their places, curiously looking at me, more like boring holes into my soul.

"Yeah so...I'm quitting university. And I've a boyfriend." I said in one breath.

"Quitting!?" Taemin exclaimed curiously more like shocked.

"Boyfriend?!" Baekyun shouted, almost everyone were looking at us by now.


Jungkook's pov.

I came in the cafeteria with my friends, we quickly sat on our seats and my eyes starting wandering around to find that certain person. It took couple of seconds to find that green eyed boy.

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