23. ᴛᴀᴇᴋᴏᴏᴋ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ʙᴇᴅ..

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I've so many plots in my drafts, but I'm afraid it won't get readers...


Taehyung's pov.

"I LOVE YOU TAEHYUNG!" did I just hear the right thing? Of course I did. Aishhh she's drunk, thats why she's speaking such things.
She came close, really close. For a second I thought she might end kissing me. But my mind clicked resulting me to turn my face and she ended up kissing cheek.

I quickly took a hold of her, pushing her a little away from myself. I seriously can't deal with this woman. First, she clinged on me.
Second, she always pops up when I'm enjoying my time, and now third, she confessed. I pity the person she was actually meant to confess to.

"Tyullib, can you just keep quite for five minutes?!" I asked her softly, stuffing my hands in my pockets. It's cold and this woman right here is wearing such dress,  how in the hell she isn't freezing. Women God.

Shortly the bodyguard's existence came into view. And I just noticed this guy yawns alot.  Just like my yoongi hyung. I miss him.

"took you long enough." the man in black bowed apologetically. I looked away, from the lady who was currently giving me puppy eyes for some unknown reasons. I'd have literally gagged if I had looked at her for a second long. I suppose these pouts and puppy eyes suits only me.

I still something in my hand,  it was her phone. Handing that to the bodyguard I turned to get in my car. Unknown to the fact that Tyullib was reaching out for me.

"T-taehyung! Take me with youuu..." her whining is just as irritating as her. I wonder what I did today to deserve this behavior of this lady.

"please take her away, I'm so fad up now..." a sigh escaped my lips, a frown taking over my face. It's been a really tiring day, more like tiring night.

The bodyguard walked away with the lady beside him, who stumbled upon a stone, almost falling on the ground "Be careful!" I yelled. the guy bowed and carried her in his arms. Who struggled under his grip, whining my name.

I quickly slipped inside my car, not wanting to see her again tonight. The drive towards my apartment was longer than I thought.

Parking the car, I tiredly walked to my condo. I hope koo's still there. Finger's crossed.

Reaching in front of my house, I knocked on the door hoping to see the bunny raven head. But not getting any response, I asked the lady in the next condo of ours for the key.  Don't be confused, I've always had another key, at her house in case I forgot, or dad does.

She gladly gave the key, not forgetting to invite me inside her house to have some snacks. I kindly denied. The wait was unbearable to me, I missed my soft mattress.

Entering the house, my foot headed towards my room on itself. Opening the door, only to find the half naked ravenatte. The sight was as always gorgeous. His jet black locks disheveled on the silk white pillow, the blanket covered only till his tummy. His chest moving up and down soothingly. Lips apart, milky skin shining under the moonlight was a mesmerizing view.

I quickly went towards him. pecking his forehead, I reached to my wardrobe. Freshing up was the first thought I had, when I came in my room. The smell of alcohol, sweat and mainly sex invaded my clothes.

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