64. ʜᴏʀɴʏ ʙᴜɴɴʏ ɪɴ ᴀ ʀᴇsᴛʀᴏᴏᴍ.

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I see jeon jongkhyun is some yours favorite man now... 👀😏


The gorgeous male walked steadily in the direction of the restroom which was situated in the very corner of the place.

Leaving his wife with a couple of other ladies to have a chitchat, who almost whined and pouted seeing her husband leaving her.

But a simple cold glare from Taehyung was enough for her to smile back at the ladies, taking part in the gossips.

Now the green eyed CEO was in the corner, but seeing more than three washrooms, the male halted in his steps.
Confusedly walking back and forth in front of the white doors.

But suddenly someone pulled him in, causing the boy to get startled on the impact of the very sudden pull.

In a matter of seconds, Taehyung was held in a tight embrace, a familiar chocolaty scent reached his nostrils.
The raven hair, were found around his fingers, as the boy instinctively ran his fingers through the dark locks.

"are you free tonight hottie.." his favorite, boyish sweet voice uttered in a seductive tone causing Taehyung to chuckle as he decided to play along.

"why would you ask?" Taehyung questioned, now wrapping his arms around the ravenatte's torso.

"c-coz I'm really lonely, the love of my life is married to someone else, and my bed is really cold and gloomy now a days.." the male said in a sad tone.

"aww, do you need me to warm your bed? It sounds bad.." Taehyung said trying to pull away from the hug, but Instead was held in a more tighter grip.

"we can sleep together either by hearing each other's soft and calm breathing or by hearing moans and accelerating heartbeats... I'll gladly accept the one you choose..." jungkook uttered, pecking the male's neck.

"I see, but you know I'm married too.. And I love my dear wife a-- ahhh!" the yelped as the ravenatte bit his neck harshly, pinching his sides.

"don't ever speak any other human being's name, with 'love' in the same sentence. You get it." the ravenatte coldly said, hearing a hum from the brunette, the boy softly kissed the skin he bit previously.

"I missed you.. So much!" jungkook beamed, his bunny smile out for display only for the brunette to adore.

"well didn't we meet, two days ago.." Taehyung said, his face occupying a thinking expression.

"yeah we did... But it's no justice to a lover who was used to having his love around him every second of the day.."
A soft tight lipped smile took place on the brunette's face, as he pressed his lips on the ravenatte's soft one's.

Their lips moved in a soft rhythm, invading each other's mouth, they played with each other's lips in a opened mouth kiss. Loving the sounds of pleasure emitting the other's mouth.

They kissed passionately, until their lungs burned with the lack of oxygen supply.
Taehyung pulled away, panting to get back his long lost breath.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm trying my best to get over this worthless, shitty marriage. Let's just wait for some more time, until I find something that will me help to sneak out of this cage.." the green eyed CEO spoke, pressing his forehead against jungkook's who cupped the CEO's face.

"until then...shouldn't we meet more often love.. I yearn for you every other moment.." a big pout took over the ravenatte's face, as his doe onyx eyes glistened with thousands of galaxies shining inside them.

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