61. sʜᴇ's ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛᴇᴅ..

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Months have passed since Taehyung's father's death, since Taehyung's life changed, since the male's wedding took place and now Taehyung had already accepted his marriage with Kim Tyullib.

Life hasn't been fair with the green eyed male, but accepting all the outcomes and moving on, that's what the male did in these past months.
Accepted what the his fate had assigned for me, going on with the flow, the male hastened started a new life, a calm, peaceful one.

The male woke up at his usual time, 7am.
Flattering his eyes open, the boy stared at the ceiling for a good number of seconds, trying to wake his senses up.

The grip on his torso, avoided him to move. The feminine hand on his waist was grasping him tightly. The giant nude painted nails were digging in his flesh.

Groaning the boy tried to sit up, moving the feminine hand away but to his dismay the grip only tightened. Giving up the male led on his place, grabbing his phone from the night stand, the male checked the notifications and updates from his company. Answering some of the texts from his close one's.

Checking each and every message the boy decided to wake her up, otherwise she wouldn't even let him move today. Shaking the lady's shoulder gently, he spoke near her ear, " Tyullib.. Can you move your hand, I need to get ready.. "

The lady smiled softly, snuggling more in the male's neck. "little more please.. " she spoke against the brunette's shoulder, her lips feeling the soft skin of the male under the touch.

"I'll run late then.. " the male spoke, running his fingers in the lady's sift long brune hair. "just five more minutes.. " her voice came out muffled. As she softly pecked the male's clothed chest.

Taehyung hummed in response, after waiting for ten long minutes, Tyullib finally decided to look up, locking her own hooded eyes with the ethereal male's green one's. For once again today, finding herself the most lucky lady to have this man all for herself.

"good morning Mi cielo.." the lady brought her hand up, caressing the male's cheeks softly,
"good morning to you too.. " Taehyung gladly displayed his boxy smile for the lady, who returned the favor, feeling happier than ever.

"now c'mon get up, I need to get ready, I've a important meeting today.. " patting the lady's back, he slightly moved away only get back hugged by the lady.

"you smell really good... How's that even possible? " Tyullib sniffed the male's exposed neck, rubbing her nose against the male's skin gently.

"that's natural I guess.. " saying so the male got out of the lady's grasp, leaving her alone only to pout, and sulk, feeling hurt by the ignorance she received from her dear husband.

Taehyung took a shower as fast as he could, sliding his body in a grey suit, paired with a silver tie. His now blondish brown hair, parted side ways. His long legs looking gorgeous in the suit.

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