34. ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴜᴇʟ ᴅᴇᴀʟ.

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Hey, Anyeon! 💛 how're you all?
I'm good just stressed a bit about
Writing. I'm confused about something.

Anyway I hope you're doing good.


The lady's words were stucked in his brain. Not being able to process tyullib's demand, he just stared at her blankly. His thoughts just wandering around one question, "when the hell she possessed such feelings for my tae?"

The lady kept moving her foot in irritation. She was waiting for the man's reply as the other wasn't planing on uttering a word.
The man moved her gaze from the lady to the ground.

The silence now was unbearable for tyullib. She wanted to hear the man's decision, more like a 'yes' for her offered deal. But Naeyon wasn't sure what to say, what to speak anymore.

The lady banged the table, annoyed by the man before her. "Mr Kim i don't have whole day! Speak before I change my mind!" the man didn't flinch, sat still, long lost in his thoughts.

"Tyullib I don't know what to do.." the man uttered, massaging his temple. To ease his mind. "see Mr Kim.. " the young lady took a sit just beside the mid aged man, place in no her chair near the man.

She held the man's hand in her own, trying to make him understand -- more like manipulate. "I'm offering my half of the property, money to you..why? Just so I could save you two from the upcoming disaster. And you very well know what that disaster is going to be.. Yeah?" the lady questioned, leaving the man to guess.

"poverty.. " Naeyon answered in a low voice, tone. "exactly, Mr Kim... Exactly. That's what I'm tryna say. If you don't accept this deal,, sure you're going to be on streets soon." the lady spoke in a kind and soft voice, unlike her harsh and straight forward words.

The man hummed in response, as he couldn't gather his words to speak, ofcourse the lady was speaking the truth. "see, I'm helping you because... You know the reason now, I want your son. I love him, and I want him to be mine. And if you agree with me, I promise I'll give you both anything you wish for." the lady smiled politely, positively..trying her best to look kind in the man's eyes.

"the man looked at her, a small tug on his lips, upwards. But ofcourse the mile was fake and awkward. He couldn't think straight, the lady was succeeding in her evil plan, manipulating the man.

"Mr Kim, I promise I'll forever keep your son happy.. Satisfied. He'd never ever complain to you regarding me. I want to hold his hand, and I promise the hold will only get tighter and stronger as the time passes. I love him with all my heart, and I promise I'm gonna put all my strength in, in making him fall for me." the lady's eyes glistened, as she continued.

"I admire him for every single thing he has, he does. I live the way he speaks, I love the way he laughs , I love the way he eats , talks, moves, just everything he does, is admired and loved by me. He has taken my heart away, and I believe it's not going come back to me anymore. He's gorgeous, ethereal, kind and most of all a mature being.. And thus he rules my heart." a solitary tear trickled down her cheek as she spoke her feelings out. The man gazed at the lady in astonishment.

How can someone fall for a person in such short span of time. But the lady had spoke the truth, her feelings, she had been hiding within herself. Wiping the tears away, she spoke again.

"Mr Kim, I WANT HIM. whether you agree or not. I'm willing to give you all the help, when no one's willing to step ahead towards you.." the man locked his gaze with tyullib's brown ones. Holding thousand of emotions both the people, sighed.

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