11. ɢᴜᴇss ᴡʜᴏ?

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I went to my grandma's house, my all cousins were present there. I had a happy time. Hehe :)


Taehyung's pov

Finally, the confession's done. I thought this would take a bad turn but it turned out to be not that bad. I just hope yoongi hyung isn't upset with me anymore.

You must be thinking why i revealed about jungkook and me, well I'll tell you.
You know, whenever we were in public, i felt really suffocated, like I'm being locked up in chains, and not allowed to move around the way i want. And moreover, i can't bare with scolding jungkook just for touching me, it's his right, probably it's him who handled the situation calmly. If it was for someone else, they wouldn't want to continue with this relationship anymore.


As i reached home, after visiting my dad in the company, meeting his partners and other people, i quickly went for a shower, and decided to wear some elegant clothes tonight.

Soon enough, i found an outfit for myself.
I kept it on my bed, and made my way to bathroom. It was a breathtaking warm shower. My whole body was relaxed, skin glistening due to water.

I washed my hair and body thoroughly but softly. Chocolate and coconut is a best combo for smelling good.

After a good span of 15 minutes, i came out and stood in front of the mirror. I swiftly moisturised my body, (like who doesn't wants soft skin?) And finished my skin care routine.

I dried my hair with the hair dryer, soothing warm air, touching my skin.
I was thinking about my hairstyle, what should i go with? Straight hair or natural?
Okay I'll go with the 1st option today.

I wore my outfit for tonight and bro did i look gorgeous!

I was ready by now. I begin to wear my shoes but while doing so my eyes suddenly caught the sight of clock, it was 7 already and we decided to meet at 8. Ohmfg I'm gonna be late. I don't want him to think otherwise.

I was long gone in my thoughts, the phone's buzzing interrupted me.

I quickly took my phone, the screen displayed a unknown number.

"Who the hell is this?" I said to myself.
I quickly answered the phone, and held it near my ear.



"Yeah,who's this?"

"Guess who?"

"How in the hell would i know?!" Don't blame me for being rude, I didn't have time for guessing random people over phone.

"Um I'm tyullib, we met yesterday."

"Oh-...shit! Who? Tyullib!"


"Oh my god, I'm sorry for yelling at you, i was just..um nevermind why would you call me?"

"It's okay, really! And i was t-thinking if you'd like to hangout with me today..."

"Today...I'm so sorry i can't...we can do it some other time? Tomorrow?"

"But today i asked for a leave just for us to hangout..c'mon please..."


"Please i insist."
"Um..okay but not for a long time okay?"

"Half an hour?"

"Good, where do you want me to come?"

"My home?"

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