20. ᴅɪsʜᴇᴀʀᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ʙᴜɴɴʏ..

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I know I'm not good enough at writing but I'm making sure that I try my best!


This is my favorite chapter till now!

Author's pov.

Only the sound of his flip-flops were heard.
Walking up the stairs, he was going to the rooftop. To meet his mate. Love of his life.
He could take the elevator, but the rooftop was just above 2 floors and fitness is something, taehyung would always prefer.

Silk shirts are something, the brunette would always wear in night. The soft material provides that comfort he'd die for all day.
The red soft silk dress shirt paired with same red silk pyjamas, taehyung looked like model itself. Messy hair, sharp collar bones peeking out of the shirt, because of the opened first two buttons.

The door opened, and the dark starry night was staring back at him, but a dark figure didn't go unnoticed by the pretty male. Quietly reaching out to the figure, he wrapped his arms around the male, back hugging his boyfriend. His chin resting on the ravenatte's shoulder, as the couple kept looking at the pretty shiny stars.

"are you okay? Tired?" the ravenatte asked, still not looking at his boyfriend.
"yeah, just tired shoulders." taehyung shrugged to relax his stiffened muscles, making his boyfriend miss the warmth against his body.

"c'mon, I'll massage them." taehyung nodded negatively, sitting on the edge of the rooftop. "no I'm good, come sit here." he patted the place beside him.

Younger took the place beside his boyfriend. Their thighs touching, shoulders brushing with each other's. Jungkook leaned onto taehyung's shoulder, the only sound hearable was their soothing breathing.

"What happened?" the brunette asked, leaning his head against jungkook's. Ofcourse he'd notice his silent boyfriend, who usually wouldn't stop bragging about random things.

"you're h-hiding stuffs from me..." the younger spoke instantly, as if the same thing was running through his mind, and it really was. His stutter was common for taehyung, after all the college's bad boy was weak under his lover. Completely naming his soul after the boy beside him, his heart was under taehyung's control.

"what did I hide from you?!" to say that the brunette was shocked would be an understatement, he was confused, extremely dumbfounded by the ravenatte's exclamation.

"are you really leaving the university?" jungkook locked his eyes with taehyung's, the green eyes reflecting the glitter of the stars and the moon.

"w-who told you?" taehyung was bewildered with the younger's question. He hadn't expected that question from him.

"don't answer me with a question baby... Tell me are you really doing that?" Taehyung didn't have any words to speak, so he just nodded his head hesitantly, suddenly finding his lap interesting.

The ravenatte just stared at Taehyung, his eyes not ready to leave the other's sight whereas taehyung didn't dare to look up.

"why did you hide it from me?" his voice held the hurt.

"koo--" taehyung was cut off

"everyone knew but me.." chuckling darkly, the ravenatte looked away from his boyfriend. He couldn't show him the disappointment he felt by the older's deed.

"even that stupid, trashy haeyun texted me to ask about her crush's leave... And here the crush's b-boyfriend was dumbfounded, having no idea what the other is talking about..." jungkook's voice came out so soft but broken at the same time. He couldn't hide his emotions no more.

Silence surrounded the peaceful rooftop. Heavy breaths taken by jungkook were heard which were soon replaced by light sniffles.


"don't give in d-distances h-hyung, I depend on y-you..." jungkook was instantly held into soft arms of his boyfriend, who patted his back soothingly.

"no one's distancing from you baby, no one." taehyung spoke through a soft voice, almost a whisper. His own self was wrapped in his boyfriends arms now, holding taehyung tightly as if he'll vanish if the grip was loosen, jungkook engulfed his face in taehyung's crook of neck.

Jungkook's back was still vibrating due to the soft sniffling of his, "calm down baby, for me please.." taehyung's long pretty fingers running in jungkook's black locks, providing the calmness he needed now.

"I was about to tell you, I had other things too to talk about with you baby, that's why I thought I'd tell you everything all together... " the brunette looked above, at the sky, speaking the truth wasn't hard, and he was sure that the sweet boyfriend of his would believe him.

"why would I distance myself from you, yeah?!" he spoke sternly, to his boyfriend who had calmed down by now. Leaving some soft kisses on taehyung's neck, he pulled off.

Taehyung cupped the younger's face, his thumb gently wiping away the tears on the other's soft face.

"I would never leave you baby... " Taehyung took a pause,

"Unless you want me too--" the ravenatte harshly pulled Taehyung in a kiss. Slamming his lips possessively on older's. They kissed passionately, desperately.

"I'd never want to stay away from you, NEVER." the ravenatte spoke between the kiss, against taehyung's lips. Licking the bottom plump lip of taehyung's, jungkook demanded for entrance. Which the brunette gladly provided.

Touching each and every inch of skin of other's wet cavern, jungkook sucked on taehyung's hot and wet tongue, resulting into the older moaning. Taehyung patted his boyfriend's shoulders, pulling off to catch his long lost breath--taehyung caressed the ravenatte's muscled shoulder blades.

Jungkook latched himself on taehyung's neck going all way down to his sharp collar bones. Moans leaving the older's pink lips.

His hands started exploring taehyung's body.
Sliding into other's silk shirt, his slender fingers caressed the soft skin of the older's waist and tummy. Tracing the soft lining of taehyung's abs, his fingers reached other's right pink nipple. His thumb rubbing the pink bud, making it hard and perky.

The erection of his pink bud was visible now.
Jungkook hungrily licked the bud, with the shirt still on it. Thin material of the shirt providing perfect pleasure to both of them.

Sucking the erected bud hardly, he tugged on the hem of taehyung's shirt.

And thus the night went with numerous hot make out sessions. Until a call just interrupted, spoiling both's mood.


Was the make out session hot?

Hope you like this chapter❤

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