27. ᴘᴏsᴇssɪᴠᴇ ʀᴀʙʙɪᴛ.

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Author's pov

Byun Baekhyun's call had the young ravenatte confused. The person who never even looked at his side, was currently on a call with him. And the red haired being the one who initiated had him shocked.

The older was right. Taehyung had never done a thing for him to doubt the innocent soul. But his insecurities got him everytime.
The insecurities, fear of losing his love, his whole world.

His world would come crashing down if he ever let the older think about leaving him, let alone disown him. Sticking the phone on his ear, he let out a deep sigh--relaxing his over working mind.

"hyung the matter's between us, stay out of it. And please hand over the phone to Tae." the ravenatte uttered. His head leaned on the sofa, while his body found comfort in the soft velvet cover of the furniture.

"no, he's my best friend and everything that includes him--holds me too.... Jeon that's not how love someone..making your partner doubt himself." jungkook's eyes which were fixed on the ceiling earlier were now fully loaded with fume. Just how could the other question his love for the brunette.

"but you butting your head in our very personal matter is irrelevant. A couple does deserve something known as privacy. And who the fuck are you to doubt my love for him.. " the ravenatte sat straight, attentive to each words left his mouth.

"you're in no place to do that, even if you call yourself Tae's so called best friend -- you aren't a thing to me so don't ever think about doing something like that again. And the accusations I threw on him, we're--aish why the hell am I explaining it to you. Just pass on the damn phone hyung!" a yell left the youngers mouth, Being restless to hear his boyfriend's voice. He tugged onto his raven locks causing the gesture to ease up the mess going on in his brain.

"Jeon just remember, if you ever hurt him I won't waste a second to dig your grave. Just so you know, I'd tell you he has alot of admirers besides you so respect and value what you've right now." Baekhyun's voice sounded monotonous, rude. Letting out every he had bottled up in his heart. The warning, he was eagerly waiting to give to his crush's boyfriend was finally out.

"oh how well I know one of those dipshit admirers is you. Hyuuungg, only for your sweet kind information, My boyfriend is manly enough to stand up for himself. He doesn't require a bottom soul like you to cover him alright? He's not from those who need other man to have his back, and you know that very well. " the ravenatte's grip on his phone tightened as he spoke those words in his husky tone. Elbows over his knees, he took a sip from his glass of water easing his sore dry throat.

"you know what Jeon, you might loose this precious man because of your damn high temper one day. Remember it. And even If I'm a bottom, it does not mean I can't protect someone. bottoms aren't always feminine and you for a fact know that too well.
And now I'm off to sleep beside my best friend. Good bye." the line went off, causing the ravenatte to grit his teeth. Jealousy taking over him. Just a thought of his boyfriend wrapped in other man's arms had his bloody boiling.

Quickly driving off to his boyfriend current location, with a crave of his boyfriend. His mind repeatedly yelling one thing, Tae hyung.


Seeing the brown haired laying peacefully on his lap. Seeing the calm state of the boy, his heart just wanted to claim him. But he knew he can't now. Knowing the boy already belonged to some one else, he shouldn't have such thoughts about the other.

'But a kiss wouldn't hurt right...' staring at the soft lips of the brunette, had him yearn to have a taste of them. The bottom pink lip puckering out gracefully, naturally pink tinted, looking mushy as fuck. Unknowingly his thump brushed against the brunette's soft muscle. His lips.

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