28. ᴏɴʟʏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀɪᴇғ.

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Hey, I hope you're doing good.

This chapter contains smut 🔞🌦️
Ignore if you ain't comfortable 🥰

Author's pov.

Taehyung reached his home. His nerves were over flowing with stress and tension.
Looking forward to his future, he seemed lost. Not that he didn't no about this before, he did, as it was already written in his fate. He knew from the start that the company had to be taken over by him.

But now that it all seemed real, happening. He did have dreams but never looked forward to achieve them. He wanted to be a music composer. Always having a thing for music and instruments. Peeping in the music classes in his high school days seemed to his favorite deed.

Taking in every details of the teachers lessons, he had made a huge progress in the mentioned field. But ofcourse his parents had something else planned for the cute passionate kid. He soon stopped attending the classes, teacher who noticed the adorable child who used to peep through the window didn't appear anymore.

Taehyung prepared himself, for the future. His new field of studies, leaving behind his old school, old friends, he was transferred to the college in the middle of school year. Seeing his son's grades, Mr Kim asked the college principal to let his son attend the college. He wanted his son to have numerous scholarships not that the kid was poor, he'd love to have various certificates hung up on the walls.

Laying on the bed, he looked lifeless. Clueless. Tomorrow, it's a new beginning of his new life. His carrier. His head over his hands as his legs were hanging on the edge of the luxurious bed. His hair disheveled, messy while his eyes had lost its color, emotions.

Feeling the buzz of his phone in his pocket, he pulled the device out. Seeing hundred of misscalls, from his boyfriend, some of them belonged to yoongi, and some to famous Min Tyullib.

He sighed deeply, as he was about to put the phone aside, the device buzzed. The contact showed of his boyfriend. He felt a bit sad for ignoring him to this extent. Sliding the green option, he put the phone on his ear.

"hey.." taehyung said. He was still angry, with the ravenatte's accusations but ofcourse he couldn't leave without talking to him.

"baby..are you alright? Tell me where you're." the ravenatte spoke as soon as the older picked up.

"home.. I'm home." taehyung's voice, sounded blank, tired. Thinking about the the other's condition, jungkook sped off to the brunette's place.

"I'll be there in 10, okay love?" jungkook was worried, his hyung being tired or sounding so emotionless is rare. Waiting for other's reply, he clutched on the device tightly.

"yeah, be fast..." and then the line went off. Beeps came from the speaker. For jungkook, the elder's current condition was caused by him. He couldn't stop but curse his own self.

The drive towards the brunette's home wasn't much long, because the younger literally flew his bike. Parking the vehicle he headed towards his boyfriend's condo.

Unlocking the main door, using the keycard
His boyfriend gave him the last time, he went inside. The living room was deserted, no. Sound, not a single person. Climbing the stairs, he was in front of the elder's room.

He twisted the knob, the ebony door was unlocked. Opening, his eyes instantly caught the figure he has been dying to see. The male's eyes were closed, the room rarely had a fan or air-conditioner on.

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