62. ʙᴇɪɴɢ sᴛᴀʟᴋᴇᴅ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ.

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I know it's confusing right now, I'll add the points as the story goes on..


There stood Kim Fucking Taehyung, world's most handsome business icon ever. A glass of red wine in his slender hand, while his cheeks were bright pink, overall the male looked gorgeous as ever.

Pulling in the dazed ravenatte, he forcefully pushed the door closed. Pushing the ravenatte near the wall, he attached his lips with the pink ones. His plump lips moulded perfectly with jungkook's thin ones.

"I missed you baby.. So freaking much.. " the younger whispered in between the passionate kiss. The butterflies were littering in his tummy, while his senses weren't working right anymore.

Curling his arms around the male's slender waist, he pulled him closer, their bodies flushing together. Swapping their position, now the green eyed boy CEO caged between the younger's arms.

Their breathes fanning against their faces, as they tilted their heads. The kiss was passionate, intense and emotional. The way their lips danced together in a soft gentle rhythm, the way their hands were now intertwined. No one could say that this green eyed male woke in another lady's arms today.

"have you been a bad boy? Hmm?" the ravenatte questioned, taking Taehyung's soft earlobe between his teeth. Taehyung smirked pulling the male's face even closer.

"maybe.. No one knows.. " he voiced out, confidently. Jungkook pinched his sides, causing the green eyed male to yelp feeling sudden sting.

"tell me..where did she touch you these days...i want to know each and every touch, each and every skin contact you had with her..." his hands were exploring the older's body, his face sinking in the dip of Taehyung's neck.

"speak.. " the ravenatte commanded.

"pecked my lips seven times.. Since our last date.." the male spoke, running his pretty fingers through the raven locks.

"then shouldn't we replace those worthless kisses with new ones.. " and here taehyung knew this was it.

Pecking the pink soft lips, jungkook took the bottom lip between his teeth, tugging it a bit harshly. "count.. "

Taehyung whined, that hurt ofcourse, as the ravenatte was basically digging his teeth in that soft muscle.

"one.. "

"two.. "

"ah--three.. "

"f-four.. "

"five.. "

"six.. "

"Ahh! Oh God.. Seven.." whining in pain the boy caressed his lips with the pad of his thumb, pushing the ravenatte aside who grinned his bunny smile at his love.

Following the older like a puppy trailing behind it's owner, jungkook sat right beside his lover boy, placing his hands on the male's lap.

"see you've created a small red blotch here.. Asshole." the male was annoyed, his lips were burning, due to the slight little cut the ravenatte had caused him.

"I'm sorry... But is it wrong to say that I'm not a bit guilty.. " jungkook held the brune male's nape, turning his head towards his own. Savouring the moment with placing a sensual, gentle kiss on the male's lips.

Huffing the CEO looked away, lashing the ravenatte away from him. The younger boy chuckled seeing his love's whiny behavior today, he stood up and held the CEO's hand who tried it's best to not let the man touch him, but who was he to deny the touch he has been craving since the last three days.

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