19. ᴊɪᴍɪɴ's ᴀɴɢʀʏ!!

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Seriously me! Lolz

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Seriously me! Lolz...


Author's pov.

Entering the restroom, taehyung's velvety lips were captured in a hungry kiss. Jungkook held his waist firmly--guiding both of them towards the washbasin counter. When taehyung felt a hard surface against his hips, he quickly hopped on it. Wrapping his legs around younger's waist.

The kiss, was passionate, sweet and hungry.
Their hunger for each other was visible now, sliding his arms onto taehyung's nape, jungkook pulled his boyfriend's face more close to deepen the kiss.

Taehyung pulled of first. The ravenatte took the pendent from his boyfriend's hand and helped him to lock it around his neck.

Sliding his hand behind taehyung's neck, he locked the chain. He opened the first two buttons of the brunette's shirt, pecking the pendent for the last time and pushed it inside his black shirt.

The honey tanned neck, unmarked and soft as feather was right in front of his sight. Rubbing the softly, he bent down and attached his lips on the feathery skin. Kissing on the soft velvet, his hands having a firm grip on others hips.

His lips nibbled on the soft spot of his neck, which resulted into taehyung moaning loudly. His fingers tugging onto ravenatte's
Jet black locks.

Jungkook trailed the wet kisses from his boyfriend's neck to his defined jaw, to his soft earlobe. Leaving soft bites on his left earlobe--he was about to attack other's sharp collar bones but got slammed against the wall harshly.

Taehyung was desperate, touch his boyfriend, to kiss him, to hold him and jungkook doing dirty to his neck wasn't much help to his desperation.
Atlast he decided to take the things in his hands.

Pushing the hungry bunny off him, he stormed towards him, pressing his lips onto others. Moving them in a erotic rythm, he licked the ravenatte's bottom lip--softly biting the muscle--in return jungkook gladly moaned.

Their tongues were fighting for dominance, to which ofcourse jungkook would have won but this time he decided to feel his baby's dominant side.

Exploring the wet cavern, he sucked onto ravenatte's tongue. To catch his long lost breath--he pulled off. Jungkook was panting badly, the brunette latched onto other's milky white neck. He bit the flash of other's junction of neck and shoulder.

"Aa-aah t-taeh-hyungg!" Moaned the ravenatte.

Taehyung pulled off and stared the teeth marks he gave to his boyfriend. Jungkook looked so gorgeous, so handsome and so owned by Kim taehyung.

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