10. ɪ'ᴍ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ, ɪғ ʜᴇ's ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ.

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♡You know, he was my ex bsf's boyfriend, actually i was the one who helped the two to get to know each other

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You know, he was my ex bsf's boyfriend, actually i was the one who helped the two to get to know each other. Stupid me..♡


Warning 💣
Some mature contents are written in this chapter. Mention of adult toys are included. If you find it uncomfortable to read you surely can avoid that part.


"Yoongi hyung!" A short midget like person shouted from the top of his lungs.

Yoongi turned around to see the desperate soul. A short pink haired person came running to him, his over sizes clothes falling from his frame.
As he was admiring the cute view, the said person came and stood in front him, catching his breath.

"Y-yoongi hyung, h-how many times do i need to tell you to wait for me?!" Pink haired yelled.

"I also told you to arrive at the gate on correct time, didn't i?" Yoongi expressed calmly.

"Whatever, c'mon lets go." The Before mentioned boy held the hem of yoongi's sleeve.

"Yeahh leave my hand." Pale skinned hyung whined.

After walking couple meters, with some silly jokes and whines, jimin asked,

"Yoongi hyung?"


"Did that taehyung asked your friend out? I mean Baekyun."

"No why would you think that?"

"No he just yelled so loudly 'boyfriend' so we were wondering if he asked him out."

"No he just revealed some stuff to us and that was Baekyun's reaction."

"What? Tell me tell me!" the younger of the asked excitedly asked, eyes wide, eyebrows tugged upwards.

"Why do you need to know?" Yoongi asked, hands in pocket of his pants, kicking a stone lightly which came into his path.

"Yeah hyung, do you not trust me? Huh?"

"No i don't."

"Ahh c'mon hyung just tell me please, I'm his friend too you know that."

"Yeah a friend, who calls him a bitch behind his back."

"Hyung, you know that's our business, he isn't any less you know that. That's how our friendship is."

"Yeah, yeah.."

"Now spill it out already, promise i won't tell anyone else, leaving my friends aside. " yoongi glared at his friend.

"Whatever, he told us to not hide the said facts so..."

"yeah what what?"

"Lemmie speak, shorty!"

"Ohkayyyy go on"

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