59. ᴊ-ᴊᴜɴɢᴋᴏᴏᴋ..?

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I might start a new story..❤


Days went by so gradually, and instead of his heart healing, it became more and more painful for the green eyed boy. He's been trying his best to divert his mind, from feeling the emptiness of his father's presence.

He's going to the company, working his ass all day off, Working out more than before, and he was supposed to be at the work place from
9am to 6pm, but now it has extended by 4 more hours. In short words, the boy was pressuring himself, he thought it might help him to forget the recent happenings in his life.

But it just made the boy more stressed, tired. He was before too, but now he's both, mentally and physically exhausted.

His wife's been trying to get his mind off all the things, but the male wouldn't just let her close by himself. They sleep in different rooms. The male leaves the house even before she wakes up, and when he's back.. He straight heads to his room, not even looking forward to have dinner.

Now because of Taehyung, Tyullib's mind is not working well too. The lady keeps worrying about her husband's state. He looks too stressed, too blank.

The lady already named her company, and properties after Taehyung as promised to Mr Kim. Although Taehyung didn't seem to notice the addition of another three zeros in back units of his finances.

The lady was left with nothing, but she was more than happy, because she had what she ever wished for, Kim Taehyung was Her's.

Taehyung shut himself off from every human being he had been interacting with before. Just some of workers and Seokjin are exceptional.

Seokjin, the male was asked by Mr Kim Naeyon to help Taehyung handle the company and finances as it'd be hard for him to do initially.
Seeing the boy work for more than three days, he realised that Taehyung is more than excellent at doing his job, handling his company.

So he decided to leave the boy, with the company alone, just because the green eyed boy was himself good enough but Taehyung told him to stay, as he was so off minded sometimes.. He needed someone trustable to help him, to look after the company.

And therefore here he was, carrying a heavy file, which contained thousands of resumes of people who wanted to apply for the bodyguard, Taehyung needed at the moment.

Knocking on the door, the handsome male stood calmly, waiting for other to allow him to enter inside.

After hearing the dull, tired voice of the green eyed male, Seokjin entered inside, closing the door behind him. Walking forward. He greeted the tired male, "how're you doing Tae? I was so busy with these resumes, I didn't get to check on you... I'm sorry bub.. " the male pouted.

"I'm fine hyung, no need to worry...are you done with the work?" Taehyung spoke, his eyes still on the laptop in front of him. Seokjin sighed, this boy's is suffering internally, yet he thinks he can full others by putting in this workaholic facade.

"no..still loads of the resumes are left, I'll finish it soon though.. " the older male, showed a thumbs up to the green eyed boy who looked up at the clock.

"leave it here, I'll finish it.. You should head home now, it's late.." Taehyung said diverting his attention back to the laptop. "no--"

"I told you I'll do it, keep it here and head home.. No more talk. " the brunette said, leaving no space for the blonde to argue. His aura was dominative even for the elder than him people.
And now after the recent trauma, the boy being's more cold to others, not allowing them to enter his bubble of loneliness.

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