45. ᴄᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴏғғ?

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Happy new year 💖🎆
I hope 2021 will be a lucky year for you'll.


The night was aglow with alot of bright city lights. The light of Moon seeped into his room. The pale crescent moon shone like a silver claw in the dark. It was dark and gloomy just like his heart.

The green eyed male walked to the window, rubbing his beautiful green orbs which were blank and emotionless. He looked up at the blanket of the stars stretched to infinity. The silent atmosphere was occasionally disturbed by the far away barks of the stray dogs.

His mind was blank, vacant, voiding of any thoughts. His heart was beating at its normal pace but who knew how many emotions it was going through at the moment.

His phone often beeped, but the male paid no attention to the device, talk and Having to answer the people on the other side of the call was the last thing he wanted to do tonight.

He gazed at the stars, their beauty felt dull to him tonight. The moon just seemed like a lighted bulb, in the dark pitch room. The night has always been his favorite time of the day.

It had become his habit to sit under vast starry blanket and think about his whole day, his boyfriend, his loved ones. But today the night was coming to eat him, whole.

He felt so lonely and weak. Thinking about today's events was something he'd never think of again. And it was officially declared that this birthday was the worst day of his life.

He had seen a whole different side of his father. The man who was his one of the main ones, his only family, his one of the few hopes to stay happy was now ready to give him up.

He was ready to sacrifice, no it sounds too good. He was ready to throw his son in an unwanted marriage, the son's happiness seemed like nothing to him.

His own glacier green eyes glittered with the reflection of the shiny stars. His body shivered due to the sharp winds, only being covered by a pair of ripped jeans seemed to worsen the situation.

Third January, he still had three days until that day. Three days to think what he's going to do ahead, to plan something. But would his conscious mind allow him to do that? No because he very well knew that somewhere his father was correct.

He promised him to do anything without thinking of the consequences. Now he has to take the responsibility of his actions. He had no place, no say in this decision.

It was harshly imposed on the boy. No choice given, no opinion taken.. Just harshly threw it on the male. The event was so random, so sudden, he was still not able to process it.

And now, he has alot to think about his future, mainly jungkook's future. How's the boy going take in the information? How's the boy going to react?

And the said boy was going to live hundred years more, claimed by the superstitions--as the ravenatte's name popped on the previously black screen of the phone.

The device was already displaying twenty five misscalls from the same contact, and this time the gorgeous boy couldn't just ignore it.
His heart didn't allow him to.

"hello! Taehyung why the fuck weren't you picking up the calls?!" the boy yelled, resulting in a small upward tug of lips on the green eyed boy's cherry lips.

"are you listening to me?! Where the fuck are you?!" the ravenatte sounded really worried, he really was. This was the first time taehyung wasn't picking up his phone since the whole day.

And the day being his birthday, gave him another reason to worry about his boyfriend.
He received no reply from the other side, just faint sounds of breathing and sharp turns of winds.

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