21. ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ ᴛʏᴜʟʟɪʙ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛs ᴀ ʜᴀᴠᴏᴄ.

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I know I'm going slow, I just wanna be realistic and stuff. But now I've been thinking about speeding things up.

And yeah! I'd be glad if you give out your suggestions, advices to me. And feel free to note out my mistakes please.



Author's pov.

Straddling jungkook's lap, he sat on his thick thigh. Getting rid of the cardigan, the ravenatte wore, due to the winter winds.

The wool material was thrown somewhere in dark pitch place. Placing his hands on the both sides of other's neck, taehyung brought jungkook closer to attach his lips with the younger.

The cold foggy wind just worked as a fuel in the fire of their craving for each other. Their hair flipping here and there, taehyung's shirt sticked onto his back, perfectly showing off his arched back.

Both were kissing, heavily, passionately, hungrily. Putting all their efforts and love in the kiss. Jungkook gripped the older's hips, guiding him to sit right on his crotch.

Taehyung took the guiding and willingly did as the younger wanted. Sitting on his crotch, he could feel something hard poking his butt.
Feeling proud, by his deeds--he swayed his hips, grinding onto younger's hard cock.

Jungkook moaned in the kiss, but either way he helped Taehyung to pound on his dick. Both were so lost in their world, enjoying both of theirs body against each other, breathing on each other's faces-- they felt each others fast hurried heartbeats.

Just then a call interrupted, spoiling the erotic moment they were having. Taehyung groaned, ignoring the call he kept doing what he was before.

But the caller was so impatient, not even taking the hint that if the other person isn't answering in one go, it means he doesn't wanna talk.

"baby, just take it." holding his boyfriend's hips to stop the elder, he pecked and took out his phone from taehyung's pocket.

"I could've done that too" taehyung smirked. seeing the contact he frowned.
"who's it baby?" jungkook questioned, placing gentle kisses on others neck.

The elder showed his phone screen to his boyfriend, rolling his eyes "why the hell would she call now?!" the ravenatte ignored other's winning, because he himself was fuming inside but to taehyung's concern he a word didn't come out from his mouth.


Author's pov.

"why isn't he picking up?!!" the rage in her was increasing second by second. Wondering why the other was busy, various scenarios made up in her mind.

Sitting in a VIP room of a club, she ordered couple of drinks to ease her tensions and stressed mind. Drinking up each and every shot, her mind was climbing up higher levels of being tipsy.

"what if he's with him!" her thoughts took place on her tongue. Just ignoring the fact that the him she's talking about, is her beloved's boyfriend.

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