49. ᴛᴀᴇʜʏᴜɴɢ, ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ..

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I hope you'll are doing good.. I just wanna ask if you'll are interested in character QnA.. Just wondering. ❤

And I uploaded chapter 48 but I think

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And I uploaded chapter 48 but I think. Many of you didn't get the notification.. So check it out if you haven't.. 🎆


Just one day was left for the wedding to take place. Taehyung has never been so lost and sick. The feeling of being left alone by the two most important people in his life, had his
Emotions to overwhelm, his stomach felt heavy with stress, loneliness.

He stood alone, here in the storm of harsh winds, winds filled with accusations, forced decisions and fake love. The father, for whom he held so much pride and the boyfriend for whom his heart decided to leave his body, left him.

When he needed them the most.

He never expected such thing from jungkook, the raven haired had promised so many things, such as 'I won't ever leave you..'

'I would never in the world would want you to leave me..' '

I'll never ever let you go.. '

Was these just harsh lies? The ravenatte didn't even try to hear him out, heck he didn't even let him explain the situation.
How could the green eyed boy, ask him to stay..when the ravenatte clearly denied.

He hates the male, for leaving him, letting him go, Distancing himself without even hearing him out. The brunette will never forgive jungkook for doing this to him, making him feel so low, so lonely.

The shattered heart ached inside his chest, as his call was again declined. The messages were seen by the male, but no replies given back.

Squinting his green orbs to get rid of the heaviness, as the male again hadn't slept the whole fucking night, just because of his fail attempts of reaching out to the ravenatte.

Giving up, the male stood up and went to his wardrobe, drawing out a simple white shirt and black trousers. Coming back to his room, he switched on his phone, searching for a specific contact.

"Mrs Jeon, hey how are you..?" the male greeted while clutching brown locks to avoid his irritation.

"oh I'm good too, can..can you please call kook over the call? He isn't picking up." the male uttered nervously, his eyes darted to a certain tree outside the window.

"still sleeping.. Can you tell him to call me once he wakes up?" taehyung caressed his temples, which were creased due the frown on his face. The boy has been so tensed, causing him to even avoid his meals.

"yeah fine thanks Mrs Jeon.. I'll Call you later." and this the call ended, sighing intensely, the male furiously threw his phone away. "what use are you for, if you can't help me to reach him" the male yelled.

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