71. ғᴀᴛʜᴇʀ ɪɴ ʟᴀᴡ..

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You guys are such a meanies, leaving some of you.. So heartless.. 🥺💔


Tyullib and her dear husband looked up at the different, familiar voice which echoed in the room. And there their expressions changed.

Taehyung had the most confused look ever, as for Tyullib she looked like as if she just encountered a ghost. All the blood of her face rushed down to her body, making her look pale.

"your mother didn't taught you to be such a bitch Tyullib. She didn't taught you to be so fucking obsessed over someone.." the husky, down voice of the aged man surrounded the silent room.

The man entered the room, along with Taehyung's dear friend, Officer Wang.
Taehyung noticed the lady's grip on his collar tightening as if she was tensed, and frightened which seemed really weird to him.

Shouldn't she be happy with her father's arrival who had decided to leave her behind? Only if he knew the man had stayed in a mental asylum for freaking eight months.

"officer Wang." the Ceo called out, pulling away from the firm grip of the lady. Who almost instantly went to stay behind him, using his tall body as a shield. To hid away from her victim.

"Taehyung." the man called back, walking in with the aged man who gradually took his steps.

"did you find any clue about my father's case?" Taehyung had a curious yet scared look on his face, avoiding the fiddling lady behind him.

"no not much.. But we did found something about your beautiful wife.." a smirk adorning his face, as he folded his hands on his chest.

The green eyed Ceo asked both of the men to take seats on the leather couch in his office. All this while the wife kept trailing behind him, holding the sleeves of his shirt.

"taehyungie..i-i wanna go home.." she stammered quietly, and now Taehyung couldn't be more confuse. Didn't she want to meet her father.. Her only family?

"I would rather not allow you to.. Mrs Kim.." the officer grinned, having a sip of water from the glass taehyung had on his desk.

"how're you uncle.. I haven't seen you in such a long time." he asked the man really softly, seeing his quite, gloomy self, Taehyung had to make sure he was fine.

"yeah.. I was.. I was really bad.. Really abnormal that's why I went away.." the man answered eyeing his hiding daughter, he was pretty sure that his so called son in law wouldn't have given the lady the satisfaction she was craving for.

And for the first time he was happy, knowing his daughter didn't get something she wished for badly.

After all he heard the sad conversation between her daughter and son in law. The lady obviously never cried the much she did today. And the father was happy that the crying of his daughter didn't even touched a nerve of his heart.

He was happy. Seeing her state.

He was happy that his daughter's truth was going to be out today. He felt blissful that his friend's death somehow helped him to be out of that hell hole, even though he still couldn't believe that his only close friend died, and he knew that Tyullib was definitely involved in this.

He couldn't look in those green orbs staring at him to make sure he was doing good, he was fine. But he just couldn't stare in those bright eyes, knowing his only daughter was the reason behind this gree. Eyed male's downfall, behind his loss.

Knowing he somewhere helped his daughter, he encouraged her to get what's hers.

He felt so guilty, so bad. Taehyung's eyes held worry and concern for him, he talked to him ever so softly, making him realise no one treated him in such gentle way since a long time.

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