6. ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏʏғɪᴇ's ᴄᴀʟʟ.

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I started shipping taekook during lockdown

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I started shipping taekook during lockdown. What about you?


Jk's pov

I knocked on the main door of our house.
I just wanted to slide into my balcony and look at the sky all night. That's something which helps me push my all problems and worries away, and be at peace for a while. But right now i really wanted my actual peace beside me, my tae hyung.

Soon my mom opened the door with a bright smile, and the aroma of freshly made blueberry tarts and apple pie filled my nostrils. I smiled back at my mom and entered the house. I pulled off my leather jacket and kept it on the couch. I was tired. It would be so kind of someone to just carry me to my bedroom and lemmie sleep for a good 9 hours.

"Jungoo! Come here, dinner's ready dear."
My mom softly spoke from the dining table.

"Mom I'm not hungry right now." I wasn't lying, i really didn't have any appetite tonight.

"Dear, i made your favourite dishes today and your dad's upstairs too. He'll eat with us." Mom said, motioning at the food.

"Okay, lemmie change first then." I spoke, she twitched her lips upwards in response.

I went to my room and quickly locked it.
I went towards the wardrobe and quickly grabbed some grey hoodie and sweatpants. I quickly took a shower and went downstairs as promised,

"Where's dad, mom?" I asked confused, as dad wasn't present at the table.

"Oh he's upstairs working on his laptop, can you call him please?" She said whilst arranging some salad for which I'm a sucker.

"Mom you know i can't."

"Honey, you can, you should otherwise how do you think things will go back to how they were?" She said in a soft tone.

"But mom, it's been two years already, thing's haven't changed since two years, do you really think there's any chance now?" I said while looking at my lap.

"Just give him sometime dear, you know he loves you right? He'll accept you soon!"
She came towards me and patted my back to lift my mood up.

"Hope so mom, i hope so..." a long sigh left my lips and soon footsteps were heard coming downstairs.

Dad came into view and sat on his on usual seat, not even sparring a glance at me.

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