31. ɢᴏʟᴅ ᴏʀ ᴘʟᴀᴛɪɴᴜᴍ.

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Now, going through all the files, papers, quotations, he had studied more than half of the work today. Processing every single bit of information in his mind, he stood up-- collecting the files and settling them on their respective places. Such action went for the other stuffs too. Once his whole table was as clean as a golf park- he sighed in relief.

Sitting down on his chair, he took a sip of tea he had ordered. The intense aroma filled in his nostrils. The odour was refreshing. The smoke still vanishing in the air as soon as it escaped the cup.

When the beverage touched his throat, he felt a calming sensation going all through his body. Refreshed, just like a new morning- he shut offed his mac. The room looked clean enough, and with a smug face, he walked away.

Collecting his car keys, he pulled the door.
His suit still well ironed, just his hair were now in a state of fluffy bangs, unlike before when he had arrived at the company, well styled.

Reaching downstairs, walk towards the parking lot almost felt like a mile. Tiredness building up in his body. First day always sucks.

Opening the door of the car, he quickly kept his phone on charging--which was switched off due too low battery. Connecting it with the cable, turning it on-- he turned in the bluetooth so the device would be connected to the vehicle.

The car accelerated in a slow speed. The distance between the office and his home looked vast. His tired arms and limps giving up, but he had to reach home anyhow.

The car drive was silent, just the sound of occasional horns echoes in the vehicle.
Shortly, his phone ranged. The contact showed his boyfriend.

Oh how he forgot to call his boyfriend today, and when he turned on the phone he had seen 15 miss calls. Ouch, he's going to yelled.

As soon as he accepted the call, a sharp honey dipped voice yelled.

"KIM FUCKING TAEHYUNG! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE?!" jungkook seemed to be on his last level of anger. But we all know it wasn't his anger, instead it was his worry and concern for the love of his life.

"Kook ofcourse your boyfriend, I didn't call for a day and you forgot me? That's what you call love huh?" Taehyung said, hoping to lighten up his boyfriend's mood.

"Exactly, you didn't call for a day, you get it? A whole day?!" The younger yelled, as his legs were moving back and forth as he sat on the edge of his room window.

"Sorry kookie, I'm really sorry I was busy with the work and my phone went off, so I couldn't call you. I'm innocent, won't you forgive your baby?hmm?" The brunette had a pout Adorning his pretty pink lips. Jungkook could literally feel it and that was enough for him to coo and forget all the conflicts he was having.

"I missed you love..i didn't hear you for a whole day?! You know how shocking it is for me! Haww!" The younger gasped, resulting in taehyung to giggle at his boyfriend's cuteness. After all the cold, angry Jeon was a cute little kookie for his boyfriend.

"I love that sound baby, alot. How are you?! Is my tiger all strong and wild?!" Jungkook spoke, his deep boyish voice causing taehyung's mind to soothe.

"Nooooo, I had to do alot of worrrrkk." The green eyed boy whined, while taking a left. A big jewellery shop came in view. Taehyung stopped the car, meanwhile jungkook kept uttering alot of hellos.

"TAEHYUNG!" The yell caused the tired male to snap his head in his phone's direction.
Quickly disconnecting it from the charger, he got off from the car.

"Yes, yes? Yeah what did you say?!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Taehyung the fuck are you so lost today? Everything's alright? Should I come to pick you up?!" The younger said worriedly.

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